11 Smart Tricks To Be An Interesting Person

The little things that people say that are more basic, less obvious, observed by everyone but hardly spoken are the ones that set the standards apart. Being interesting is one’s ability to stimulate conversation, even without having anything in common. Being interesting isn’t all about being the life of the party or someone who has people glued to them. Being interesting is to be able to hold a conversation.

Here are few tips that will come handy, if you want to enhance your communication skills.

1. Be a good listener

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This world lacks good listeners. Everyone is trying to make their point, but no one is really paying heed to what others are saying. A rather efficient trait of interesting people is that they are good listeners. They take the time to understand, to listen, to comprehend and then talk about it. Ever wonder why the people we like the most, say very little?


2.Have strong opinions

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There’s one thing in knowing what is going on in this world and having a strong opinion about it is another. There are many people out there who chose to be ignorant, of what is happening around. There are many people out there who see, observe, enjoy, attend, witness and participate in things, but remain oblivious to the rudiments. Don’t do that. Have strong opinions about what you feel and how you feel.


3. Stories of things

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One of the smartest tricks to be used by people who love engaging themselves in conversations is this. People are usually more interested to listen to your stories than to your things. Always have at least three stories handy that are entertaining and interesting. It could be anything from your personal life to a childhood’s fable.


4. The art of what and how

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It is not people, in general, have nothing to say. Even the most silent mouths have anecdotes to share. The thing about speaking is you have to understand what the other person is wanting to hear. You can feed the same story to people of different age and interest, if only you tweak it to the way they want to listen. This is a great selling skill. You can overpower over many conversations just by knowing how to aptly put it in front of others.


5. Know something that others don’t

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If you are reading this, you understand what is it like to be not interesting. Not being able to make your point discern or just constantly trying to pitch something which goes unnoticed. Don’t run after a niche, but a wider area. You have a long way to go before you eventually start surprising people.


6. Share your discovery

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Read an interesting article online? Got an amazing story from work? Saw something beyond brilliance on a cold winter night? Share it. The more you talk about it, the more you remember. You never know what story of yours might interest others, and you may come across as a pretty charismatic person.


7. Ain’t nobody got no time for your swag

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People often mistake defense with the offense. You need the to understand that gray area which differentiates your knowledge from your arrogance. A Lot of interesting people are hidden either behind things they cannot speak or the information that they overshare. You don’t have to bore someone who doesn’t understand the P of physics. Where Lamborghini’s speed may interest everyone, the theory of aerodynamics won’t.


8. Don’t open all your card at once. Save things for later

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It is human nature that keeps people intrigued about strangers. That’s why sonder is one of the most powerful epiphanies. They want to know where you come from, what are your story, what is your past, what’s your big plan and the nuances of your life. Don’t tell them everything in one go and keep them wanting for answers.


9. Don’t come late to the party

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If everyone is already doing it, probably you are too late to jump on that bandwagon. Try something new or try something which is as interesting as that, but drastically different. After all, it is more fun to have the steering in your hand, than just to look around from the sides.


10. Take notes

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What seems like too much effort, can actually change the course of things. Taking notes is a very smart tool. Write what your interests are. Write what things you find interesting in others. Write down what is not your forte, but you are willing to learn. You will be able to connect the dot easily and bam! That’s your closure.


11. Hobbies

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Being interesting isn’t just about what you’re like on the inside; your physical appearance can dramatically change the way you are perceived by others. In fact, before people even meet you, they will already have made a judgment about how interesting of a person you are.  Your hobbies can shape your persona quite beautifully.

You never know. You can be the most interesting person you’ll ever meet. Try it.

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