10 Surprising Facts You Should Know About Sleep

Sleep- who doesn’t love it? The older we get, the more we cherish our sleep. But, sleeping has its own weird thing happening. Want to know more? Read on.

1. Blind people often have trouble with sleep

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This is because sunlight is really important for regulating circadian rhythms, which the blind miss out on.

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2. Man is the only mammal that willingly delays sleep

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Well, why not if you have the power, right?

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3. Sleep deprivation causes people to make a lot of risky decisions, because they become too optimistic

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The lack of sleep causes a few changes in the brain that make a person less analytical and happier, and hence, more prone to make risky decisions.

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4. Working night shifts that causes sleep disruption is considered as a potential cause of cancer

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5. People who sleep lesser tend to have larger appetites

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The levels of hormones that control appetite are elevated when the person is sleep deprived.

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6. You cannot dream when you’re snoring

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Snoring occurs only during the non-REM cycle of your sleep, and a person dreams during the REM cycle of the sleep. This is also why people normally don’t dream when they’re sleeping in an unfamiliar territory, like in a train.

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7. Lack of sleep is weirdly similar to being drunk

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Performance effects were studied in the same subjects over a period of 28 hours of sleep deprivation and after measured doses of alcohol up to about 0.1% blood alcohol concentration (BAC).

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8. Watching TV burns more calories than sleeping

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Sleeping burns 15, and watching TV burns about 18. Go binge watch those episodes of Game Of Thrones.

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9. 8 hours aren’t necessary for a normal body to function

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It is said that people who sleep about 6 hours a day are the healthiest, and will live the longest.

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10. If you are a night owl, chances are you will be a night owl forever

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The body clock can never be adjusted. Win!

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Your zzzzzzzzs are a lot more important than you think, peeps. Shut that laptop and go to sleep.

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