Instagram Influencer Applies Sunscreen On Bread & Puts It In Toaster To Show That It Works

In today’s episode of ‘What’s weird on the internet?’, an Instagram influencer shared a bizarre Reel that extends all boundaries of science. She takes a piece of bread, applies sunscreen on one half and then puts it inside the toaster.

After she takes it out, it can be seen that the sunscreen prevented one-half of the bread from toasting, apparently proving that the product does protect you from the harmful rays of the sun. MIND. BLOWN.

Screenshots of the Reel were shared on Twitter by user @extradecoction who wrote, “This lady applied sunscreen to half side of a BREAD and put it inside a toaster to show the other side alone has been toasted and not the sunscreen side. Instagram science is out of the world.”

Have a look:

People online had the most genuine questions after watching the video. Like, who is going to clean the toaster after this experiment?

Now, here’s the thing. We know that the sun emits solar radiation. And solar radiation is a general term for electromagnetic radiation, which further has an entire spectrum consisting of different kinds of radiation, including infrared rays. This is where it gets interesting – toasters use infrared rays to heat/toast bread. When the coils inside the toaster turn red, they are producing infrared radiation.

So can the sun’s radiation and the toaster’s radiation be actually compared? Is this Instagram influencer on to something? 🧐

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