Indians Talk About Having A Successful Sibling & What It’s Like For Them In Reddit Thread

In families where one sibling excels while the other struggles to measure up, a precarious balance of pride and pressure emerges. The successful sibling often bears the weight of parental expectations, their achievements becoming a benchmark against which the average sibling is incessantly measured. Despite their own accomplishments, the average sibling finds themselves trapped in a cycle of comparison and perceived inadequacy.

On r/AskIndia, people have been discussing about having successful siblings. While some have been struggling with self-confidence issues, facing constant pressure and comparisons from their family members, others expressed how they are genuinely happy that their siblings are doing well.

Here’s a look at some of the reactions online:

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Despite the hardships, there’s a common thread of resilience as the ‘other’ siblings strive to carve out their own identity and value.

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