Desis Compare The 1st Thing They Do After Boarding A Flight Vs. The Rest Of The World

Most of us haven’t taken a flight in months. As a result, some of us are missing the whole experience of packing for a trip, going to the airport, and even being on a flight (surprising but true). Amidst this reminiscence, IFS officer Praveen Angusamy’s tweet on the very first thing to do after boarding has struck a chord with desi Twitter.

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He points out that while the rest of the world looks for their assigned seat and puts their hand baggage in the overhead cabins, Indians usually call their family before anything else.

Many people agreed and shared their own habit of keeping their families informed at all times.

Others replied with other things desi folk like to do like taking all the welcome candies and immediately standing in the aisle after landing.

Do you call your mom right after entering a plane too? Tell us!

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