Indian Uncle Pulls Off A Hilarious Magic Trick That Will Make Harry Potter Go WTF!

Every Bengali kid (like me) was introduced to the world of magic by P.C. Sorcar who created mind-blowing illusions out of a piece of paper. And then our fascination with the subject grew through J.K. Rowling’s words and Harry Potter’s journey. But get ready to crumple it into a ball and throw it out of the proverbial window because of an Indian uncle.

Twitter user @blurt2kc put up a video extracted from TikTok which showed an Indian uncle (assisted by his wife?) hovering in mid-air. What came after that was truly pain-inducing and funny.

If you’re wondering why I’m referring to Harry Potter so many times, it’s because this uncle used John Williams’ iconic theme from the franchise. However, that twist was pretty unexpected.

Netizens absolutely lost their minds after watching the “magic” trick and pleaded internet providers to stop giving their service to uncles like this.

There’s no doubt that the internet is an incredibly weird place. And, no matter how much we want to, we can’t stop people from accessing it. But we can put up a statutory warning before inflicting this kind of damage on our souls. To be honest, uncle ji scores full marks for creativity though.

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