Indian Uncle Wins The Internet With His Killer Moves On Govinda’s ‘Aap Ke Aa Jane Se’

indian uncle dancing

Growing up I’ve always struggled with confidence and body image issues. Who am I kidding? I still do. Though I love to watch people dance and even imagine myself doing sick moves, I’ve never been able to muster the courage to actually let go on the dance floor. Even with a few drinks in me, the most you’d get out of me is me awkwardly shuffling my feet a bit.

However, thanks to social media, now you get to see a lot of amazing human beings being their unapologetic badass selves and can’t help but be inspired.

And this uncle is one such gem of a human who I designate as my one and only dance guru from this day forward.

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A video of this superstar dancing to Govinda’s ‘Aap Ke Aa Jane Se‘ at a function has been going viral on the Internet and when you’re done watching it, you’ll know exactly why. Now if you think this is going to be some cringe-worthy dancing like I did when I’d just seen the thumbnail, be warned, it’s anything but!

Why am I even talking anymore?! Just watch:

Mindblown? Yep, I’ve watched it ten times already and this guy still amazes me.

True talent is to be appreciated where it deserves it, and Twitter didn’t hold back:

1. Even Govinda will appreciate this performance.

2. Whatay Uncle!

3. Life goals y’all.

4. I literally squealed when he took over the aunty’s part!

5. Get you a man with moves like these.

6. Forget today, I say the best video ever!

7. This uncle truly made my day.

8. Dance on Uncle Ji!

9. I really can’t.

10. He the man!

11. Can I? Pretty please.

12. Preach!

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is what a masterclass in not giving a damn about age and log kya kahenge looks like. I, for one, have been moved by this uncle’s phenomenal level of confidence and badass aura. Guys who want to date me, you might want to take some lessons from this cool dude. Actually, screw that, I want some lessons from him!

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