Indians Support Woman Who Rejected Engineer With 8 LPA Package In Arranged Marriage Setup

Let’s dissect the age-old institution of arranged marriages and lay bare its essence: it’s essentially a business deal struck between two families, where the woman is expected to embody traditional beauty, manage the household with finesse, cater to her in-laws’ every need, bear children, and serve as an ideal partner to her husband. In return, the man’s primary role is often reduced to being the financial provider for the family.

Yet, in today’s world, when a woman dares to exercise her agency and reject suitors who don’t meet her standards, she’s unfairly branded with the derogatory label of a “gold-digger”. It’s a term loaded with judgment and archaic expectations, overlooking the fact that for centuries, men and their families have unabashedly demanded dowries and imposed unrealistic demands on prospective brides.

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Questions were raised when a user on X (formerly Twitter) claimed how a friend, who is an engineer with an 8 LPA salary package, was rejected by a woman who left her job a year ago because she felt exhausted. The reason why she rejected the guy was because his salary package didn’t meet her expectations. He also has a slimmer physique. On the other hand, the woman’s family expects someone who has a salary package of around Rs 25 lakhs.

Now, as women are asserting themselves and voicing their own preferences and needs, why are they met with such criticism? Shouldn’t they be applauded for refusing to conform to outdated norms that have long oppressed them?

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These are some of the questions that were being asked by people who read this post. Have a look:

It’s high time we acknowledge that relationships, whether arranged or not, should be based on mutual respect, understanding, and shared values. Women shouldn’t be vilified for advocating for their own happiness and fulfilment, just as men shouldn’t be absolved of their responsibility to evolve beyond narrow-minded expectations.

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