7 Indian Superfoods You Didn’t Know Had These Amazing SUPER Powers!

We are surrounded by Superfoods which can enhance our body and mind with so much more energy and health. India has had Ayurveda for 5000 years and it’s the holy grail for well being. Here are 7 extremely amazing superfoods that are easily available at a market near you:

1. Ghee

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Your Grandmother was right this whole time! Ghee is not only tasty, but it even helps you reduce weight and has Vitamin A and K. Also, even people who are lactose intolerant can consume it.

It works wonders for your digestion, eyes, skin, immunity system and even helps people with thyroid problem, sinus, migraine, insomnia etc. And of all things, it improves the sperm count / strengthens sexual power.

You should put 1 tsp of ghee on your Lunch/Dinner as it turns the simple carbs into complex, making them harder to break down and thus providing better nourishment.

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2. Honey

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This Superfood can go with almost anything. With lemonade, milk, parathas, cakes, ice cream etc. All parts of your body react well when you eat honey, be it your eyes, stomach, heart, skin and it is extremely good for people with weak digestion. Ayurveda uses it for a lot of remedies as it has wonderful medicinal properties.

It is extremely beneficial for people who want to lose weight.

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3. Turmeric

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This Indian legendary food has been a part of our cuisine since ages, and it primarily benefits our skin, heart, liver and lungs. It is an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-allergic, antioxidant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, appetizer, digestive stimulant.

It is present in nearly all Ayurvedic cooking recipes.

Turmeric helps to regulate the female reproductive system and purifies the uterus, and in men it purifies and builds semen. Having it regularly will boost your immune system. Now you know why you must drink Milk with turmeric when you’re not well !

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4. Tulsi : Holy Basil

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One of the plants people worship all across India, Tulsi works wonders for many ailments. It helps to recover from fever, respiratory and lung disorders, asthma, stress, oral care and even heart diseases. Regular consumption of it helps with anti-ageing and benefits our immune system significantly!

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5. Amla

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A.K.A  The Indian Gooseberry , its tree is considered sacred in many parts of India. It is Extremely rich in vitamin C and minerals like phosphorous, iron, calcium etc. and it benefits your hair, eyes, digestion and works wonders for people with diabetes. It even helps women with their menstrual cramps.

Amla is a strong tool against various diseases and multiple forms of cancer.
Consume it as a berry or as a part of a healthy juice every morning along with honey, tulsi, bitter gourd etc.

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6. Brahmi

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It helps with the mental faculties and is especially given to kids nowadays to help them learn faster and develop their memory.

It helps fight stress and supports healthy digestion and respiratory health. It is consumed as leaves in food or as powder or tonic for medicinal purposes.

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7. Ashwagandha Root

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This herb helps fight anxiety, stress and fatigue. It is extremely good for joints and helps with the sleep patterns. It helps to maintain a healthy reproductive system in both males and females

The simplest and most delicious way to consume it is with tea.

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So, now that you’re aware of it, make these healthy additions to your diet and reap the benefits!

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