Indians Are Getting Better At Watching Porn. Ranked 3rd In 2016 Compared To 4th Last Year

Screw the porn ban! No, I’m not saying that, but apparently that’s what all Indians had to say about porn in the previous year. If the porn ban in India did one thing, it was to make sure, that even those who are not interested, don’t care or don’t watch porn, visit these sites.

And while the rest the world was busy watching just porn, Indians multitasked by watching porn and improving their most porn watching country rank to 3rd from last year’s 4th. Here are the significant changes in the porn-watching habits of people.

The US still remained on the top of the list of most-watched-porn, followed by UK, and then not so surprisingly India.

I mean come on. A population of 1.25 billion was bound to surpass other countries.


Indians watch porn for 9 minutes 30 seconds on an average. Much longer than the average orgasm time.

So what do they do for the rest of that time? Sit and look up for the pornstars?


What’s common among everybody who watches porn? They prefer watching it at night most. According to PornHub, the most favorite time for people to ‘conduct their business’ was at 11 PM, and weekends were the most beloved days to watch it.

Not everybody likes it in the morning after all. 😛

Also, just an FYI, women in the United Stated watched more porn than men. Take than men. Makes me curious about the stats in India.


Guess what type of porn do people like watching most? It’s some girl-on-girl action. That’s right.

Yes, people. Looking for anal sex is getting old now.


There were trends that just got bigger in 2015, than they were in 2014


Indians have a particular taste for everything. Then why not porn? Here’s what Indians searched for most:


Sadly, Mia Khalifa came 2nd while Kim Kardashian topped the list of the most searched celebrity (what?)


Old people or new. Porn is for everybody, and here’s the average age of people who watch porn:


There are so many people who have only porn to keep company during New Year’s Eve.


And although we have our differences (in our porn choices), we are a world united by porn.


Let’s see where India ranks next year.

Source: Pornhub

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