11 Reasons Why We Should Be Thankful For Our Imperfect Lives

For most of us, life is a confusing rubik’s cube of imperfect mess. There’s barely any person who can vouch for his life to be perfect, just the way he likes it. The rich strives to become richer, the poor strives to make ends meet, the student crams the night before the exam, cursing both the syllabus and the professor simultaneously, the girl whose crush rejected her proposal silently cries herself to sleep.

But even in this seemingly imperfect world that we live in, our imperfections are what make us keep going. Little do we realize that it is the imperfection that is the biggest driving force behind us. Let’s be grateful for our imperfect life, because otherwise these 11 things wouldn’t take place in our lives.

1. Imperfections of the life we live create a yearning for a better life in our minds

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2. Thus striving us towards bigger and better goals

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3. The seeming imperfections of one’s current situation make him go and explore other options

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4. And that feeling of restlessness also creates a deep wanderlust in us

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5. Imperfections also fuel the fire of courage within us

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The courage to make a change.


6. Then again, a not-so-perfect life makes you take more notice of the life you live in

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7. As a result, you start believing in ‘carpe diem’ [seize the day]

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And live life king size, one day at a time.


8. Also, the general imperfection of life makes us appreciate what we have

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I do stand by this at the cost of sounding smug.


9. And it makes us love the people in our lives more

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No matter how dysfunctional your family is or how crazy your friends are, they will always have your back.


10. Oh, and those imperfections also introduces you with your capabilities and insecurities

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And you get to know yourself better gradually.


11. But, it is our imperfections that keep us grounded

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Because though being on cloud nine isn’t exactly as good as it sounds, is it?

The imperfections of a man, his frailties, his faults, are just as important as his virtues. – Henry Miller

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