15 Struggles Of Being A Hyperactive Person

Have you always been a part of all the school plays, sports events, and extra curricular clubs, ever? Do your parents keep telling you to calm down more than the number of times you breathe in a day? Do your friends think you are having a sugar rush because you’re jumping around in excitement or tension everywhere? If you have said yes to the above statements, then it’s needless to say that you’re a hyperactive person. And it’s difficult to be one when everyone around you is so collected and peaceful.

Here are the struggles of being a hyperactive person:

1. You can never, ever hide your excitement

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It’s like your entire body is just waiting to explode out of happiness.


2. Being overly enthusiastic about everything is in your blood

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It’s either that, or nothing. Except it’s not nothing. So yeah.


3. You cannot be left out in any college activity

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You HAVE to take part in all of it, all the time.


4. You’re asked to sleep on time, like regular people, but it’s beyond difficult for you

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It’s impossible to go to bed with so much going on in your head.


5. You are completely fine with taking up multiple tasks together

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Multitasking is your thing, always.


6. That feeling of being physically tired, but not mentally, is annoying

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If your mind had legs, it would run around for hours together while your body could rest.


7. You are constantly expressive about anything and everything

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You cannot stop it, because your mood is written all over your face.


8. You hate it when people around you aren’t as enthusiastic about something as you are

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Why would they not be excited about this awesome debate competition that is about to start? WHY?


9. People often get annoyed with your hyper-ness and ask you to calm down

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10. You can never understand how people manage to sit still in one place for hours

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How do they not want to MOVE AND DO THINGS?


11. You are constantly brimming with ideas, and you need to express them immediately

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Thank God for papers and pens, if no one’s around to listen.


12. Trying to act ‘normal’ in front of people you’re meeting for the first time is very hard

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Go in for a hug? handshake? Will they think I’m overly friendly? *stands there awkwardly*


13. On the bright side, you are a constant motivation for the people around you when they’re feeling down

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Positivity level: 1000


14. You’re always up for trying new things

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More willing than most of the people you know.


15. And your energy is infectious, making others 10 times more happy about something

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Your excitement is the life of the party, every single time.

Because after all, being excited about things is what makes the world more interesting. 🙂

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