15 Stages You Go Through Everyday If You Are A Writer

“Creativity is my addiction, and writing is my drug of choice”– Ambear Shellea
She definitely doesn’t know how professional writers actually work, and a regular day for you goes like this:

1. Look for inspiration

Which is almost always read as take it from somewhere else.


2. Think of ideas

And uselessly check your Facebook and Twitter feeds.


3. Drink coffee

Because you must Carpe Coffee before you can Carpe Diem.


4. Stare at the screen

And smirk because if you share the joke you came up with, it will make you look like a retard.


5. Watch cat videos

Because watching a cat file its nail is such a better thing to do.


6. Write the heading

Contemplate, ask for opinions, discard all opinions and self-approve it.


7. Brainstorm

You need to discuss that cat video you just saw. It is life changing.


8. Yawn and crack your knuckles

Oh of course you need rest after all that hard work.


9. Use the washroom

When they said your washroom is the one place you get creative ideas, they weren’t wrong.


10. Come back and check your phone

Whaaat??? I have fan mail to check.


11. Actually write

Supposedly the inspiration obviously worked.


12. Check if what you’ve written is stupid

Ummm… err… ummm. Isn’t it always?


13. Make people around you read if what you’ve written is stupid

Like you don’t already know it.


14. Write WHATEVER comes to your mind

… Or not.


15. Give up. Like totally give up.

And hit publish on whatever you could muster.


..but suddenly when readers react positively to your article

All’s well that ends well. Time to start from point #1 again.

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