This Microsoft Website Trying To Guess Your Gender & Age From Your Pics is Going Viral

Have you ever panicked when a random kid called you ‘uncle’ or ‘aunty’? (while you’re just 26 years old)
Have you ever tried to closely analyze your face for wrinkles? (which aren’t there, but you’re expecting them anyway)

Truth be told, we all feel good when someone compliments, “You look way younger than your age”. Let’s get you some online compliments, then.

Microsoft is testing a new face detection algorithm that tries to predict the gender and age of a picture

The algorithm is still evolving, as it’s evident from the picture above. 😀


They initially decided to test it on, say, 50 users but they had no idea that their test website would go viral. Eventually it led to thousands, if not millions of people uploading their own pic and testing the fun utility

You look younger than your age, Mr. Prime Minister. 😀 (He’s 64 btw)


The website titled “How Old Do I look?” has been getting traffic from worldover now & people are trying to find out the age of anything and everything.

Give it a try here.

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