This Comic Makes Crazy Predictions That Will 100% Come True Irrespective Of Your Star Sign!

There’s a strong similarity between a those who believe in horoscopes and students who’ve intentionally applied to courses at IIPM. Both have absolutely no clue about the future. The future is an intricate network of probabilistic outcomes governed by the actions or inactions of billions of individuals making millions of decisions all day each day. If the man-made concept of date and time could actually influence this intertwining network of probabilities, well, would you really be sitting around reading this? 😛

In this video, Kamal Trilok Singh provides a satirical take on predicting your future based on your star sign. You must have heard some “divine” beings do it on TV each morning. Most of the predictions they make are extremely vague and almost always, terribly obvious. Kamal takes this obviousness to another level and makes predictions that are true with 100% certainty. Now that’s impressive, wouldn’t you agree?

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