10 Ways Your Home Is Making You Fat

Today, everybody seems to be quite concerned with obesity. Everybody wants to stay fit. But you would be quite surprised to know that your house could be one of the reasons that you are gaining weight.

Here are few ways in which you house could be making you fat.

1. If the kitchen is at the centre of the house and the kitchen chairs are too comfy

These two factors might lead you to unconsciously spend time in the kitchen. And the more time you spend in the kitchen the more you eat. Simple.

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If the kitchen is at the centre of the house then, a person will likely pass by it the most number of times, often tempting him/her to eat more. Plus if the kitchen chairs are too comfortable then you might end up spending more time in the kitchen that you want to.

2. If your house does not have dim lights and you dine in a brightly lit area

In one of the psychological reports studies, it has been found that people, who dined in a brightly lit room, consumed 18 percent more calories than those who ate in the same room when it was dimly lit.

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The reason is that dimly lit atmosphere soothes your mind and enables to cherish whatever little you are having.

3. If the walls are red

It is said that the colour triggers brain chemicals that promote hunger. The same thing holds true even for yellow walls.

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Well, this might shock many of you. It has been proved that if the walls are painted red then one tends to eat more.

Research have shown that people who eat in rooms where the rooms are painted green or blue often intake fewer calories than people whose walls are painted red or yellow.

So, if you want to lose weight then you should change the colour of your walls.

4. If you use white plates and short glasses

Studies have also proved that you might end up eating more if you have white crockeries at home. At the same time, it has also been found that people who drink from tall glasses drink less than people who drink from short glasses.

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The size of the plate also determines how much calories you intake. If you have large bowls or plates then you often end up consuming more than you normally would.

5. A messy room can also make you fat

According to research people, who live in a messy or untidy room often eat more junk food that others. A messy room might also deprive you of a comfortable sleep which might lead to obesity.

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On the other hand, people who have neat and tidy rooms often do not gain weight the way a person living in a messy and untidy room might.

6. If there Are too many chairs and couches

A 2005 Mayo Clinic study, found that obese people sat at least 150 minutes more each day. Too chairs might just encourage you to do that.

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Well, if you have too many chairs and couches in your room then it might be the reason you are gaining weight. If you have too many chairs and couches then you would always have spent your most of the time sitting on them, which won’t allow you to burn the calories you need to burn. People who do not sit all the time tend to burn calories at a faster rate than people who spent most of the time sitting at a place.

7. If your house does not have a garden

If you have certain plants like Jasmine and Lavender, they help you to relax and thus sleep better. Peppermint aromas are known to suppress appetite.

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It has been said that gardens often provide a calm and soothing atmosphere. This helps a person to remain relaxed and therefore consume healthy food. It has been proved the sleep deprivation is one of the major reason for obesity. In one study at Wheeling Jesuit University, people who smelled peppermint once every two hours for a week consumed 1,800 fewer calories in a week.

8. If your bedroom has T.V. or Computer

A T.V. in the bedroom might often deprive you of the sleep you need.

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Another very important thing that might be the reason behind your obesity. If you have a T.V. or computer in your room then you might end up staying up till late night and this might deprive you of your sleep. This might lead to stress, which leads to obesity.

9. If you have a machine for everything

Due to the availability of machines, we do not perform the simple activities that would have allowed us to burn the calories

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Another reason why you could be gaining weight is simply because you have too many machines in your house. Yes, while it is true that machines help in reducing your time and increasing your productivity but at the same time, it often makes us lazy.

10. If the racks are not organized

Because of this reason we often end up eating what is available in front of us than what we should have eaten.

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Unorganized food racks might also be the reason that you are gaining weight. Often when racks are not organized, we tend to keep fruits and other healthy foods in a place and tend to forget about it.

So, now you know the real reason why could not lose weight.

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