Hermione Cosplayer Dancing To Super Mario Remix Is The Crossover You Didn’t Know You Needed!

When you’re the brightest witch of your age, there really is much you cannot do. Hermione Granger has received several compliments throughout the Harry Potter books for being smart, intelligent, and a snarky one from Snape, who called her an “insufferable know-it-all”. She even seems to have managed to make Bulgarian Quidditch hero Viktor Krum dance to her love tunes! But can you imagine studios, scholarly Hermione throwin’ it down on the dance floor?

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Well, what you’re about to see next will have you shout “Blimey!” just like Ron, because Hermione be killing it!

Twitter user @noodlerella shared the video of a cosplayer dressed as Hermione busting some killer moves that’ll have you believing in magic!

Makes you wonder when did Hogwarts include dancing on its curriculum, damn!

The video, taken at the MCM Comic Con in London was of one Kelsie Ellison, whose dancing skills have turned her into a viral sensation!

Her cosplay too is so amazing!

But what’s even more amazing is the crazy crossover that is Hermione dancing to the tunes of Super Mario theme song, with a Star Wars’ BB8 in the background! Insane fandom mesh, right?

Here’s another video, in case you hadn’t had enough!

OMG, she just Wingardium Levio-slayed our hearts!

Safe to say, Dance Diva broke Twitter, bewitching wizards and muggles alike with her dance moves!

Hermione’s milkshake brings all the wizards to the yard!

1. Yeah, I’d probably be dancing like that too!


2. Raise your wands if you understood the reference!

3. In the words of Hagrid from Chamber of Secrets, “And they haven’t invented a dance our Hermione can’t do!”

4. She sure knows how to swish and flick!


5. Expecting that tweet update from Jo Rowling anytime now!

6. Blimey Ron! Look what you did!

7. Legit!

8. Also Hermione: “Who the f*** cares about homework!”


9. Ohhhhhhh snap(e)!

10. IKR!


11. I can literally picture all these fandoms going gaga over this video! It’s so beautiful! *cries*

12. I want to see that whole iceberg OMG!

13. This epic dance-travaganza got immortalised in art too! How cool is that?


As for Kelsey Ellison, the Hermione of the hour, she’s just basking in all the glory and compliments that have flooded her Twitter timeline!

You bet, Kelsey. You bet!

PS: Here’s a thought. Remember how before the Yule Ball, Professor McGonagall was teaching the Gryffindors how to dance? So does that mean she can move like this too? Just leaving this here!

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