Man Tried Smuggling 48,000 Beer Cans By Disguising Them As Pepsi. Daredevil Much?

In Saudi Arabia, alcohol consumption is banned and hence more often than not various liquors are smuggled in the country. According to recent news reports*, a man was arrested in Saudi Arabia trying to smuggle alcohol by sewing 18 bottles in his trousers.

And in a more amusing and shocking news, 48,000 cans of Heineken beer have been seized from a man who was trying to smuggle them into the country by disguising them as Pepsi bottles. Their packaging had been done in a way that it looked like a soda can.

However, the first set of inspection raised suspicions of the officers at customs and therefore, a more rigorous inspection was followed up only to discover that all the bottles were indeed beer. This video uploaded by wochit News shows the startling discovery that happened when they unwrapped the soda bottles.

In Saudi Arabia, the punishment of smuggling can be imprisonment and/or flogging. As the punishments get more cruel, the smugglers seem to be coming up with more innovative ways to get alcohol in the country.

*News Source

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