10 Hacks For Girls To Wear Your Beloved Heels Without Any Pain


Love them or hate them, what you cannot deny is that they’re beautiful and even if you say you love flats, deep down you’ll be salivating for one pair of heels, especially the one with the signature shiny red bottom.

Here are a few hacks for the ladies who just love those snazzy, pointy shoes to wear them with no, or almost no worry of the pain they come with.

1. Tape your second and third / third and fourth toe together to avoid cramping in the narrow tip of your heels.

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Doing this will make some space for your other toes and keep them from cramping in the narrow. According to some researchers, the nerves between these toes pain when pressure is put on them and may cause swelling after prolonged periods.

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2. Use a roll on deodorant on the edges and the insides of your shoes to stop it from chaffing and blistering your feet.

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It’ll not only stop your feet from blistering, it’ll also make it easier for your feet to slip into the shoe effortlessly!


3. Fill zip bags with water halfway through and put those bags in the foot space and chuck your new heels in the freezer to break them in.

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This will help you with breaking your new shoes in as it will stretch your shoes, making them easier for you to wear.


4. Blow dry your socks and use them as your insoles for the heels all day long.

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This is another way of breaking your shoes into your comfort.


5. Use dry shampoo to prevent your feet and shoes from getting sweaty and resulting in slipping.

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Sweat can be one the biggest reasons one trips and very easily falls while wearing heels. The dry shampoo will keep your feet from getting moist and keep your shoes dry.


6. After wearing a pair of high heels for a long time, avoid switching to flats instantly. Switch to a lower height of heels instead.

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It’s advisable to give your feet some time to adjust to the height difference by breaking it down in different heights until your feet reach the flat surface.


7. Rub sandpaper gently on the bottom of your sole for a better grip on the ground.

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The rougher the base, the more the friction you’ll receive which will make it easier for your shoes to hold their ground.


8. Use a piece of thin sponge as a cushion at the base of your heels.

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A piece of a sponge will make your toes fell better and act as a cushion for the balls of your feet.


9. Give your feet a nice 20-minute soak in warm water before your stiletto night out.

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Give them some time to relax and prepare for the stilettos. Also, throw in a few relaxing salts as well.


10. Try to shop for heels in the evening or the night.

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Feet can swell up to half a size bigger by the sun fall and if the shoe is comfortable at that time then it’s bound to feel better in the day.


Now ladies, strut away like a boss! 😀

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