13 Signs That Are Believed To Mean Your House Is Haunted

Disclaimer: The post only based on stories, anecdotes and blogs over the internet. We do not believe or endorse paranormal beliefs.

This post is for those who find the idea of the existence of spirits somewhere between the realm of life and death fascinating. It is not a question of how scientific you are in your approach or how regressive your ignorance has made you. The paranormal is not something that we can explain with logic at all times but science is still in pursuit.

The fact that scientific research interests the matter validates the legitimacy of the occurrences, if not the reasons behind them. When we finally can explain it all, perhaps, the enigma will be figured out and there shall be no reason to be afraid. However, for now, make sure something else hasn’t claimed your home as theirs.

1. The case of the unexplained smell in your house

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It is believed that unexplained smell, be it it foul of pleasant can be the sign of paranormal manifestation in your house. Although, the smell could be of anything from a sweet cologne or odorous garbage, it is when the source cannot be identified, the smell is associated to the scope of paranormal.

 “They can create phantom scents that represents their lives when they were alive” – taken from Yahoo Answers. 


2. The case of the unexplained misplacement of things

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Often little household items like the car keys, the remote control, your spectacles and likes, keep disappearing. Now, you may not want to ponder much on the matter blaming your absent-mindedness for it but it could be a way of intimidating you by a demonic entity who is slowly trying to take control of your mind.

“I really wish I’d started to keep a ghost journal in this house you know! It can be very spooky sometimes. You see shadows… sometimes you can hear ‘whispering’ “- as taken from Davidicke.com


3. The case of the cold spots

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According to the definition there must be a difference of at least 10 degrees between the temperature of the spot with the rest of the room in order to consider paranormal activity. Ghost hunters are of the belief that an invisible entity may attempt to make its presence felt by drawing in the heat from the surrounding atmosphere leaving a spot unusually cold.

“While you can also feel a cold spot or a temperature shift when a loved one is around, you typically don’t feel nervous or uncomfortable when it happens.” – as taken from in5d. 


4. The case of the continuous flicker of lights

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The flicker in the lights could be just an electrical disturbance but if it continues to happen even after you have mended the problem more than once, it could be attributed to paranormal activity according to studies. Ghosts are believed to cause electrical disturbances as they use the electrical fields as a medium to communicate with the world of the living.

“Please don’t panic. The spirit world is trying to get your attention” – as taken from Yahoo Answers. 


5. The case of the withering Tulsi

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The western world may not know of the fact that Tulsi or the Holy Basil is often planted in Indian houses to keep the household from the shadows of demonic influences. The withering of the plant in spite of being well taken care of is often considered the act of menacing spirit that puts the household in harm’s way.

“It may be a belief or something i don’t know what to say, i have tulsi plant in a pot, it is dying suddenly..” – as taken from penmai. 


6. The case of the unusual animal behaviour

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People who own pets may notice a sudden change of behaviors in them which could be alarmingly unusual. House pets, if they get unnecessarily nervous, afraid or even hostile at times, it is highly likely that they have already perceived the presence of a spirit inside the house which you’re yet to comprehend.

“Should pets be encouraged when they see spirits? Yes. In my opinion they should, unless it freaks you out” – as taken from dead conversations, blogspot. 


7. The case of unidentified objects turning up

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It could be a simple piece of cloth, a broken toy, an unnamed notebook or anything for that matter. You wouldn’t bother to think twice about such trifle matters, but if objects that don’t belong to you or your family and friends keep turning up inside your house, it is believed to be a symptom of haunting where the spirit might be throwing objects of it’s association for you to notice.

“All of us in the paranormal investigative arena are trying to obtain scientific proof of a haunting or that an area is inhabited by spirit.” – as taken from the shadowlands.not. 


8. The case of uneasiness in loneliness

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Sometimes, when you’re on your own in your very own house, you fail to be at peace. You feel uncomfortable as if a negative energy is slowly creeping in towards you and you want to leave the place at once. You may be the kind of person who genuinely enjoys his or her own company and it may not have anything to do with being depressed or lonely.

“Eventually I fell asleep, but not without making sure there was nothing in my room that I couldn’t see. I got up and turned on the light but there was nothing there” – as taken from your ghost stories.


9. The case of an unexpected pest infestation

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While it could very well happen for perfectly natural reasons, sudden infestation of pests like bed bugs, red ants, cockroaches and rodents in your house, is believed to indicate a paranormal exercise in your house. The suspicion arises when such occurrences take place in a house that never had faced such issues before and the problem remains unresolved even after repeated pest controls.

“I got three hours (of sleep). Just imagine how freaked out you’d be if you saw friggin’ five, big-ass bed bugs just sitting on your pillow. I woke up itching and I’m just looking around and I’m like, ‘Are you serious right now?’ It was 3 a.m. and I was so tired at that point. It was, whatever.” – as taken from Yahoo Answers 


10. The case of the lingering soul

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It is believed in several religions, especially by the Jews, that the soul of the deceased lingers in his home for three days before it begins it’s journey to the world beyond. Therefore, if there’s a death in your house, chances are that the house will remain haunted by the spirit for the next few days.

“He had a blue dressing gown on but slightly undone underneath his belly, his belly was quite big and he had hardly any hair on his head and he had very old navy blue slippers on.” – as taken from Psychic Experiences. 


11. The case of the strange sound recordings

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It is believed that spirits emit sounds through electromagnetic waves which can be caught only in a recording device. If you’re up for an EVP test or an electronic voice phenomenon test, you can turn the recording on of your phone and throw some questions in the air. If you hear something strangely similar to another voice answering your questions as you playback the recording, you have something to be concerned about.

There are on occasion very clear unexplained recordings that can be identified as human voices (even through digital analysis) – as taken from EpochTimes. 


12. The case of the unexplained shadows

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Some people experience fleeting shadows at the corner of their eyes which doesn’t seem to be easily explicable. The shadows often appear to take the form of a human and that is why they are regarded as the “Shadow People”, a black mass of a humanoid figure that deeply interests paranormal researchers.

“Like most people,” Loyd writes, “apparitions probably go away when ignored.” – as taken from paranormalabout.com


13. The case of the strange bruises and physical injuries

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A lot of people would confess to have woken up from sleep with strange scratches and bruises on their skin without any explanation at all. Little scratch marks on your back, fingerprints and minor bruises teamed with a feeling of a weight upon you while sleeping are a considered signs of paranormal infestations as well.

“I believe that a spirit can do just about anything It wants depending on the power it is given.” – as taken from ghostplace.com

It’s all a matter of belief and even if the signs held any validity, it’s not necessary that the presence would be of malicious interest.

Disclaimer: The post only based on stories, anecdotes and blogs over the internet. We do not believe or endorse paranormal beliefs.

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