10 Things You Should Stop Doing In Order To Be Happier In Life

Happiness is a rare commodity in the world right now. Very few are privileged enough to have the life that gives them the luxury to pursue it. When you do have this luxury, you should use it wisely.

Many of us blame other people, circumstances, and fate for giving us unhappiness; and some of us work at it to be happy no matter what. Because, in a day, we have the ability to be happy, and we can control a lot of it.


By not doing the following things:

1. Comparing yourself to others

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Inspiring yourself by looking at successful people and bettering yourself is what you should rather do.
Comparing yourself with other people leads to negativity because you are striving for the achievements other people have achieved and then questioning as to why you couldn’t do the same thing.

Seek to better yourself by self-improvement rather than comparison.


2. Feeling bad after making mistakes

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Mistakes are your greatest teachers in life. The best thing you can teach yourself is how to never make the mistake ever again. Analysis, rather than guilt should always follow after acknowledging a mistake.

As long as you are being woefully ignorant about them, and overlook them, making mistakes is fine. Don’t beat yourself up too much.

Learn from them.


3. Trying to control everything

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By the time you are in your 20s, you get a fair idea of the things in life you can control and the things you cannot. Do not try to control everything in your life. It is just not possible. There are things that are well beyond your control and there is nothing you can do about it. And even if there is something you can do, you will not change the outcome.

What you can control is your life, your composure, your reactions and actions. And that should be controlled in a way that is beneficial to you and to the others.

Do this and everything falls into place.


4. Trying to fix other people

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You may think you are the wisest person in the world, but there are domains that are still so complicated, it is better that you do not mess with them. On of these domains is human mind. People mess up, and unless it is your near and loved one, do not be a good samaritan and go on trying to fix people left right and center.

Most of the people going through shit have their own support systems and sometimes they need to go through shit so that they learn from it. Fixing people is risky business. You can console and be there for them when they need you. But don’t fix. If it goes wrong that person will resent you for a long time.


5. Exaggerating and making things dramatic

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Keep it real. It is very important to retain composure when things do not go your way. When something doesn’t go your way, be level headed and do not dramatize the situation. Drama is just that – drama – exaggerating and expressing emotions way more than the situation deserves.

A little disappointment will automatically amplify into a bigger one just because you dramatized the situation.


6. Getting too ahead of yourself

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Don’t ever get too ahead of yourself when things are going your way. A bit of optimism is good for you, it keeps you in an upbeat mood and keeps you positive. A positive you is good for the tasks ahead, but when you start daydreaming, you are moving too fast and too far into the future and you stop living in the present.

And when you do this, you lose focus on the things you have to do right now. Also, you get really big expectations which, if not fulfilled leave you unhappy.

Stay in the present, and do not stray too much onto the future!


7. Living in the past too much

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As it is with the future, do not time travel back into the past. The past may have happy memories and sad memories. Living both of them in your head is just as bad as delving into things that haven’t happened. Because here too, it is just something you have no control over anymore.

If the past was bleak, looking back will always make you sad, and if it was too happy, you will compare it with the present. Do not time travel.


8. Thinking you have to be happy all the time

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It just doesn’t work that way. If you are smart and wise enough, you can stay happy most of the times. But you can never stay happy all the time. Life is not made out to be like that. And when you think you deserve happiness all the time, it becomes a problem, and it becomes a source of sadness too.

When life becomes sad, live it without reservations. Keep your peace of mind. Peacefulness is something that is more achievable than happiness.


9. Waiting for the one who will come and make you happy

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You are the one who is responsible for your happiness. You control most of it. You choose people who participate in it and people who influence it. But you cannot depend on a person for happiness, or wait for that one person who will rescue you from the depths of depression.

Special people will always support you and make you happy, but they should always be secondary reasons. Never depend on people, wishfully thinking that they somehow owe you happiness because they are the special people in your life.


10. Being in the company of negativity

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It matters. If you walk into a room full of negative people, however exuberant you are, you are bound to feel low after a while. It’s osmosis. Like when you surround yourself with smarter people, you learn a lot, when you surround yourself with sad people you become sad.

Stay away from them, because you really do not need that negativity in your life right now. Surround yourself with supportive and positive people.

There are some who, even though they are sad, will not show it because they know sadness is contagious.
They will still support you and keep you upbeat to face challenges and cheer you.

They are always better company than people who will bog you down.

Hope this helps you in the pursuit of happiness.
Until next time. 🙂

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