This Guy Recreates Iconic Celebrity Looks With Bizarre Things & It’s A Laugh Riot

celebrity dresses

A lot of dresses and suits that celebrities wear set new trends and fashion goals. Be it a quirky new style, print, colour or pair – celebrities inspire a lot of fashion trends.

Then there are people who try to imitate these celebrity clothing with anything they can get their hands on. Remember the girl who used various food items to recreate celebrity dresses? Well, here’s another funny guy who recreated celebrity dresses with the most unimaginable things he could lay his hands on.

Instagram user Emi’s Life recreated celebrity fashion and the result is so good, you’ll fall off your chair laughing.

1. Roses or pizza? PIZZA!

2. That’s a…cat. He’s wearing his cat!

3. Demi looks hot, he must be feeling hot in all that foil.

4. Where that booty, tho?

5. We’ll never be royals…

6. Creativity at its best.


8. When you want to keep the evil eye away from your marshmallows.

9. Riri is his favourite to recreate. This is number one.

10. Number 2 lacks a little shine, but at least he tried.

11. Just going to leave this one for you, not commenting on it.

12. Raise a ‘toast’ to PeeCee.

13. Stranger things indeed…

14. When you wanted to be the royal bride but Meghan took the Prince.

15. Bi##ch I’m Madonna!

16. When you want a trendy beard but it just won’t grow.

17. Are those…? Yep, post-its.

18. Who wore it better?

19. When you only attend an event for all the free food.

20. Ancient Bread-zilla.

21. He’s a huge ‘fan’ of the Victoria’s Angels.

22. At least the original is equally bad looking.

23. When you forget to carry your towel.

24. D.E.A.D.

25. Emma is going to be scandalised.

26. Saved the best for last, as usual.

I wonder how people can come up with these crazy things and manage to look so damn good in it. While I still love the original celebrity fashion, this guy gives them a good run for their money, don’t you think?

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