After Losing His 9-5 Job, Mumbai Guy Turns His Drone Flying Hobby Into A Photography Career

Several people ended up losing their jobs because of the pandemic and the nationwide lockdown that followed. Same was the case with 22-year-old Aditya Chandane who lost his 9-5 job as a Business Analyst in Mumbai.

According to TOI, Aditya belonged from a family who prioritises being financially independent with the help of a secure job over anything else. Hence, while Aditya found his job as a Business Analyst, staring onto the computer screen from Monday to Friday, boring, his father was satisfied.

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But after losing his job in August this year, he was forced to stay home. Even though he did receive a few offers from other companies, having his life restricted within the four walls of an office cubicle bothered him.

Once in a while, he broke the monotony by going to Badlapur, which is 40 km away from Mumbai, to fly drones. Ever since he was a kid, Aditya dreamt of becoming a pilot and flying. Since that didn’t work out, he bought a drone 3 years back and almost every weekend, he flies it and captures videos.

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It soon struck him that he can turn his passion into a profession. Perhaps getting sacked was a slight nudge from the universe to direct him towards his true calling!

“I started researching about the kind of work that drone flyers could do and how I could turn it into a viable profession,” he said.

He found out that drones are being used for wedding shoots and searching for unauthorised construction. It took some time for Aditya to convince his father but soon, he too was on board!

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Now, Aditya has his own website and several offers for modelling shoots have come his way. Even though it might take him some time to make steady money, he believes that outdoor shoots, visiting beautiful places, and meeting new people are any day a better deal than a 9-5 job!

Here’s a video Aditya posted on Reddit:

As they say, if you do what you love and love what you do, work will cease to feel like “work” and become an enjoyment instead!

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