Guy Donated His Kidney To A Stranger. 3 Months Later, He Got This Emotional Letter From Him.

While I was making my way through a busy local station today, I saw a kind young stranger helping a blind woman find a rickshaw. 15 minutes later, I was standing right in front of the ladies compartment when a drunk man made his way through scared women, falling here and there. A kind stranger came and helped the man to a small corner and gave him some water.

The minute you open eyes from all the pessimism that is around us, you start embracing all the positive that there is, waiting for us to notice it. And all these kind acts, give you back…one way or another. And the best example of how good finds its way back to you is this heart warming Reddit thread.

User TheBartian, posted on Reddit a heartwarming letter that he received 3 moths after he donated his kidney to a complete stranger in need.

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This emotional letter has moved everyone on Reddit. The man’s words about how he is seeing days he thought he would never see, fill your heart with warmth. Here’s what he wrote –

Hello my is —–. I am 43 years old. I have a son named —–. When —– was 6 years old his mother passed away after battling with cancer for 5 years. That has put me and my son very close. After many years I remarried a lady named ——–.
We live in a small farm in a town called ——-. I now have 3 grand sons named —–, —– and ——-.
My son and my 3 grand sons are my life. I do not do anything without one of the 4 because of the gift you gave me on Jan 5th 2017. I think I will get to see more basketball games, more baseball games and more football games.

I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, because of you I am going to have a better and a longer life.

Thank You.


In the comments section, user answered what compelled him to donate his kidney. He is a 32-year-old man from Tulsa, Oklahoma and is an accountant in a private firm. This is what he said –

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I’ve wanted to do it for over 10 years, initially my parents, siblings, and wife thought it was just a phase. The more I researched it the more I saw it was just the right thing to do. My wife eventually came on board, I’m not sure anyone else ever really did. I’m not gay so I don’t know that it’s really like coming out, but telling people you are donating your kidney to a stranger I think brings up some of the same emotions in parents that they might have had 10 or 20 years ago about being gay. Sort of the “are your sure” “are you going to be ok”, “is this a phase you are going to grow out of”. I wasn’t going to tell my parents about the surgery, but my wife said I had to. It was an awkward conversation, but donating a kidney was the right thing to do.


He also says that it took him 10 days after the operation to be hip and happy! He ate good food and spent time with the family. When a Reddit user asked him, if he replied to the letter, he said…


And he also has a crazy good sense of humor. Sample this reply –

We need only one kidney to function and around 90,000 people are in need of a kidney transplant in India every year. Millions of people in the world succumb to death due to kidney ailments. What TheBartian has done is a very noble deed and we salute such bravery.

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