Indians Respond After Guy Asks If, As A Man, He Can Marry A Woman For Money

In our society, it is perfectly normal for women to marry for financial stability. It’s widely acceptable for women to seek out wealthy partners as it is viewed as a practical means of securing their future and that of their kids. However, societal attitudes take a stark turn when the gender roles are reversed. When a man seeks to marry into wealth, he often faces social stigma and judgement.

This is because culturally, men are considered to be the primary providers of a family. So a man marrying for financial gain is often questioned, highlighting the gender bias in our society. This also challenges the traditional notions of masculinity and femininity in modern relationships.

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We say this because an Indian man took to Reddit’s r/AskIndia subreddit to ask if it is okay for a man to marry for money.

“I (M) have been thinking lately about what if I get married to a single woman of mid to late 30s (or some middle-aged woman irrespective of their relationship status) who is financially independent, stable and has good savings (sic).”

There were various kinds of reactions to this question. On the one hand, there were some who argued that there was nothing wrong with a man marrying a woman for money. However, in today’s age, everyone needs to be financially independent so that they are able to make the simplest and the most difficult decisions for themselves and not depend on anybody else.

A few also pointed out that he might be called a “gold digger” and neither of them will be happy in the marriage.

As long as there is trust and loyalty in the relationship, it sounds good.

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However, finances can breed resentment in a relationship. Before getting married, it is best to discuss and make one’s intentions clear.

But if one has to see the bigger picture, it is risky to have a single-income household in this economy.

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There might be certain personal issues that can pop up. For example, a man typically derives purpose from their ability to provide and being dependent on a woman might make them the submissive one in the relationship.

There were also some who called him out and asked him not to make that mistake.

What are your views on this issue?

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