Grey Worm And Missandei FINALLY Made Love On GoT And Internet Is Running Out Of Tissues


Disclaimer: Game of Thrones S7E02 spoilers ahead, tread carefully.

Now, if you have not watched the second episode of Game of Thrones, we hold no responsibility whatsoever for the spoilers. But, we all really need to talk about the episode’s scene which is making the internet lose its collective shit.

Ok! So this happened. The sexual tension between Missandei and Grey Worm, which we have been seeing since forever now, has led to something more than just staring at each other longingly. They have taken a step forward, shed their inhibitions and finally made love. FINALLY!

Of course, the netizens have GoT stuff to discuss at great lengths, but they have a lot of emotions for Grey Worm and Missandei’s sex scene. And, we simply can’t contain our laughs because some of them are so damn hilarious.


Without much ado, here are the most epic reactions.

1. No offence meant, but seriously: WTF?


2. Not a good way to put though. 😛


3. The feels.


4. Oh, they are going to.


5. It’s GoT, people. GoT.


6. Ladies, agreed?


7. Sounded like a very quick news bulletin.


8. Funny little intelligent joke!


9. Proud, indeed!


10. Hope this shuts those ‘no dick no sex’ people up, right now.


11. It indeed was.


12. I swear too. But it’s GoT man 🙁


13. Another fan theory came true.


14. Too many emotions.


15. Who did this?

But seriously guys, the scene was everything. Our hearts are rooting for the lovers and we are scared for them, TBH. Either one of them dying will break our hearts in a million pieces. But, it is GoT. So, you know it is ‘the inevitable’.

Yet, there’s a faint hope in our hearts. Jao Grey Worm and Missandei, jee lo apni zindagi. *wipes happy tears*

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