16 YO Climate Change Activist Greta Thunberg Announced TIME’s ‘Person Of The Year’

If there is someone who dominated news headlines throughout the year with her activism, it is Greta Thunberg. From being a solo protestor, sitting outside the Swedish parliament holding a placard in hand, to inspiring a massive worldwide movement, Greta has shaken the world with her climate change advocacy.

Therefore, Time Magazine decided that there couldn’t have been a better fit to brace the title of ‘Time’s Person of the Year’ and awarded 16-year-old Greta Thunberg the position, reports The Washington Post.

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Time has been choosing a ‘Person of the Year’ ever since 1927, even though back then the title was called ‘Time’s Man of the Year. It is not necessarily a positive award. The criteria dictate that recognition is given to “the man, woman, group or concept that has had the most influence on the world during the previous 12 months”.

Time Editor-in-Chief, Edward Felsenthal, said that Greta is Time’s youngest ‘Person of the Year’ ever.

“She became the biggest voice on the biggest issue facing the planet this year, coming from essentially nowhere to lead a worldwide movement,” he said.

Greta isn’t much of a fan for awards. She thinks that awards aren’t what the environmental movement needs right now. However, she gladly dedicated this particular recognition with climate activists everywhere.

People on the internet, along with some of the most eminent personalities of the world, took to Twitter to congratulate Greta Thunberg for winning the prestigious title.


Greta’s powerful speech “How Dare You” at the UN Climate Action Summit earlier this year stirred waves across social media platforms and left a massive impact.

Congratulations to Greta! This recognition has been well deserved.

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