This Great Dane Died Of Starvation After Being Heartlessly Tied On The Streets Of Chennai

There are people who consider pets as their extended family, love them, care for them like their own and then there are people who are heartless towards a speechless creature.

It breaks our hearts to tell you about what could have been a beautiful, happy Great Dane, is no more because his ‘master’ not just abandoned him but tied him on the streets to starve and eventually die. 

Everyone deserves a chance at life but apparently not dogs, because they are animals.


Shravan Krishnan, a resident of Chennai reported the story of a Great Dane who was found on the streets dehydrated and starved, in a Facebook post. They rushed him to the hospital, but he died on the way. This is what he wrote. 

I don’t know your name. I don’t know your age. I don’t know who dumped you. I don’t know your history. I’m sorry that I couldn’t save you and hope you’re in a better place now.

We got a call from Karthik Selvaraj about a Great Dane which was abandoned in Royapuram. We tried to move him to a hospital but unfortunately he died on the way.
Abandoning your dog is the biggest betrayal you could ever do. At least try and leave him at a shelter or seek help from someone. Don’t leave your dog on the road and let him die of starvation and dehydration.

This not how a life should end.

If I ever meet the person who did this to you, I promise you that I will break his bones!!! Ranjith Kumar

What the owner did to his dog is completely inhumane. How can someone ever explain this rueful torture to a speechless creature who was left on the street, tied and left to die?


This is the face of reality. Look at this lifeless creature who deserved better.

It’s unfair. Life is precious, be it human, pets or any living creature.


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