87 Year-Old Grandma Uses Only MS Paint To Make These Freaking Unbelievable Paintings

Some grandmothers read, others tell stories and some knit. Some grandmothers spend their day pampering their grandkids while others pick up a hobby to pass their time. Mine especially takes a keen interest in gardening.

This 87-year-old grandmother has somewhat an unconventional hobby.

Concha Garcia Zaera loves drawing, but not with a pencil and sketch pad as you would expect. Instead she is proficient with using Microsoft Paint and creates the the most exquisite work with it.

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She has now become an overnight Instagram sensation. And people have been sharing her artwork, impressed with the amount of attention to detail and intricacy at which she works.

She used to take classes in oil paintings but couldn’t continue on the path because it made the whole house reek. Her children then gifted her a computer and she discovered MS Paint. And well the rest is history.

According to Mashable, she used to post her work on Facebook when one of her granddaughters told her about Instagram.

In the beginning of the month she had just over 300 followers, but Twitter user, @femilimon shared a screenshot of her profile and boom, her Instagram blew up. She now boasts of having 120,000 followers!

Yep, one tweet can change your life.

She takes her inspiration from postcards and landscapes and does all of her design work on Windows 7 and with a mouse. See her gorgeous artwork below:

1. Look at the detailing and shading!

2. Talking to El Mundo she said, “My husband fell ill and I had to take care of him, so I couldn’t go out very often. I began painting little things: first, a house, the next day I’d add a mountain… Step by step, I was adding details, and in the end, the result was a very pretty thing.”

3. How is such intricacy even possible on MS Paint?!

4. Zaera spends about two weeks on one piece and focuses very closely on the details of each work.

5. Simply wow!

6. Did you notice the ripples on the water under the boat?

7. The humble artist told Vanguardia, “I do not understand very well why my drawings draw so much attention, I think they are very simple things.”

8. I’m absolutely stunned.

9. Just look at the shadows she’s made of the leaves. That’s insane!

10. Amazing, am I right!?

That’s one incredible talent. I’m pretty sure even the developers of MS Paint didn’t think this much detailing was possible with the program.

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