This Clueless Guy Blindly Followed His GPS And And Drove Straight Into A River. *Rolling Eyes*

Our reliance on our smartphone today is quite startling. We rely on it for our most basic needs like communication, entertainment and even transport. While it’s impressive that technology can do so much for us now, being overly reliant may not be the best idea. Why, you ask? Well, here’s a funny story.

A man in China recently drove his car into the middle of a river just because his GPS told him to do so.

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The driver said he wasn’t familiar with the area and was blindly following his GPS system. Seems like the use of the word ‘blindly’ was quite literal in his case.


The police had to mobilise a bulldozer to get the guy and his vehicle out.

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The entire operation took nearly half a day to accomplish.

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And here’s a fun fact for you guys: The entire “ordeal” took place on the 1st of April.

Guess it really was Fool’s day, eh?

News Source: 1, 2

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