Former National Level Boxer, Kamal Kumar Is Now Forced To Collect Garbage For A Living

We know that in India, compared to cricket, other sports have a bleak future. The potential that these sportspersons have are immense but sadly, they don’t get due attention because of improper channelising of sources and insufficient financial fund.

Kamal Kumar, a national level boxer and a gold medal winner, has put an end to his boxing career and he collects garbage for a living.

How sad is that?

Lost ambitions:

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Kamal says that he wanted to become the pride of the nation but couldn’t. And this is not because of his incapability but because of an absence of financial support.

Any other job?

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No. He was not allowed for a 4th class job also even after winning a gold medal on a national level. The reason, according to Puri Dunia, is his caste. He is a Dalit. We wonder why this is the sole reason. He has a family who is dependent on him, and therefore, he had to resort to collecting garbage.

Misplaced dreams?

He told that he trains his elder son, who is also a national level player. Because he couldn’t get financial support to fulfill his dreams, he doesn’t want his son to experience the same downfall.

He also said that government can still help him get a job now.

The government of India need to realise that there is not one Kamal Kumar. There are many like him who have left their passion and treading an altogether different path. Will this plea also fall on deaf ears? The time to act is now.

News Source: ANI

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