This Harry Potter Themed Cafe Actually Serves You A Ferocious ‘Goblet Of Fire’. YAAAS!

That highly anticipated letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry never came, Hagrid never blasted through the door to take us to Diagon Alley and we never really got the permission slip from Sirius Black in order to visit Hogsmeade Village. However, for ever Harry Potter fan out there, the magic never died. So many of us found solace in the pages of JK Rowling’s wizarding world as we grew up with the epic adventures of Harry, Ron and Hermione.

Well, this Harry Potter themed cafe in Singapore, ‘Platform 1094’, will help you relive all of the fond memories once again. What’s more, they have an actual ‘Goblet of Fire’ on the menu!


Here’s a video of the goblet in all of its flaming glory.


That’s what the menu looks like. 


They’ve got some pretty tantalising desserts which come with their very own wand!


Doesn’t it look like something out of a potions lesson?


Could I interest you in a chocolate frog? 


Accio Dessert!


Also, just for good measure, they’ve got seats with Harry’s Patronus!

So the next time you’re in Singapore, don’t forget to visit this magical cafe.

C’mon you get a real life flaming ‘Goblet of Fire’, need I provide any further incentive?

H/T: Elite Daily

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