10 Girls Reveal How They Dropped Major SEXY Vibes And The Boys Didn’t Get It!

From what I hear and see, girls are so much better at the flirting game than guys will ever be!

And, the trouble sometimes is that those subtly dropped bombs by girls, just don’t detonate at the right time; because boys just don’t pick it up smoothly. And I understand that some boys might face such trouble too, but it goes without saying, that later when you think about the whole damn thing, it becomes a hysterical story to tell!

Many such stories were shared under the Reddit threadLadies, what is the most obvious hint you’ve dropped that went unnoticed by a guy? and we really can’t stop tripping over the answers. Check’em out!

1. Way to go, guy!

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Last summer I was doing my best to seduce who is my current boyfriend. We were going swimming at a friend’s house, and while they were changing into their bathing suits in the house, me and him make our way to the pool.
I take advantage of this moment to strip in front of him, as sensual as possible. (Bathing suit was underneath my clothes.)
He runs past me, full sprint, and cannonballs into the pool.


2. No jeans rule and you still don’t get it?

I was staying the night at a female friend’s house. I had a huge crush on her and it was the first night sleeping in the same bed.
Her: Just so you know, jeans aren’t allowed in my bed. You have to take the off.
Me: Hahaha that’s a dumb rule keeps them on
That one still stings


3. The Excel sheet boyfriend?

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I was living with my then-boyfriend a few years ago. Feeling a little flirtatious, I suggested we could take a shower together, you know, to save water, wink wink.
His response? “Why? We don’t pay for water.”
Shut. Down.


4. That’s not even subtle, boy!

My ex boyfriend was pretty reserved and had limited experience with girls when I first met him. It took forever for it to click with him that I was into him. I would convince him to sleep over at my place or let me sleep at his to “snuggle”. I would wear nothing but a t-shirt and panties. I would literally press my body up against his and talk to him with our faces an inch apart. I would whisper in his ear and rest my hand on his thigh an inch away from his package.
It took over a month of this before he realized I wasn’t just being “friendly”!


5. Sh*t me not!

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A long time before my husband and I started dating we were partying in my apartment. He said he was going to crash on the couch. I told him “you can come sleep in my bed”. I shit you not he said “well where would you sleep? I can’t kick you out of your bed.”


6. Nature’s call babe!

After a conversation with my boyfriend about not being obvious enough when trying to initiate sex, I decided to entice him by posing naked on the corner of the bed and seductively whispering “Hey, you” as he walked in the room.
His reaction? He walks in the room, gives me a bro nod, and says, “Hey, babe! I gotta poop.”


7. If a pole is not a hint good enough, I don’t know what is?

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I have a pole in my living room. So one day i dressed like a school girl and waited for my boyfriend to get home. He walks in and i started doing some pole tricks and he literally walked past me into the bedroom to change.. I was like, ‘Uh, hellllooooo I’m trying to fuck’ and he said ‘Oh I just thought you were dressed like that’.
He kinda killed it.


8. I am never getting over this one!

I was sleeping over at a friends after a party when the hot girl I had been talking to all night suggested we sleep on the pull out together so neither of us had to take the floor. We lay down:

Her: “You have great lips.”

Me: “That’s really nice, thanks.”


9. That’s going to be a life long regret!

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This girl was sitting with our group of boys and saying “if I was to get with one of you, it would be you [my name]” And I was just like “Ah thanks very much, very kind of you to say that”


10. Seriously, now?

“A friend (now boyfriend of 7 years) asked what I wanted to do that night. I said “you”. He didn’t even seem to register what I had said. He was like we should go see x movie.


Oh my! Guys, you can be really be a HUGE buzz-kill sometimes. Wake up and pick those hints from now on, will you?

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