According To Research, People Who Drink Gin And Tonic Are ‘More Likely To Be Psychopaths’

Most of us love a good night of drinking especially if the night is spent enjoying your favourite drink. However, as excited as we are about the prospects of getting smashed, we have received a baffling news which will lead you to judge a person by their drink. (As if we don’t, already!)

Don’t believe us? Well, we have science to back it up!

As reported by The Sun, a recent study says that people who like to eat or drink bitter food and beverages like gin and tonic are more likely to be psychopaths. The research was, conducted by psychologists from Innsbruck University in Austria, carried out on over 953 people.

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The researchers presented men and women with an array of foods ranging from bitter, sour, salty and sweet. They were then asked to rate each item out of six and then given a personality quiz.

The quiz involved questions equipped to gauge the emotional stability of the individual. It had questions asking whether they had traces of Machiavellianism (exploiting others for personal gain), aggression, the tendency towards everyday sadism, or tormenting people.

The research also said that people who enjoyed the taste of bitter foods like dark chocolate, coffee and tonic water had an inclination towards psychotic tendencies.

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Umm… sorry to be the killjoy here science, but I would appreciate it if you made it clear if dark chocolate was good for me or not?

After the study, the researchers concluded,

“The results of both studies confirmed the hypothesis that bitter taste preferences are positively associated with malevolent personality traits, with the most robust relation to everyday sadism and psychopathy.”

They also added that the people who displayed kind behaviour had a negative correlation to those who preferred bitter flavours, as they believe that liking bitterness could be a sign of a person who enjoys fear.

So, when you’re partying with your friends and you pour yourself your favourite gin and tonic and everybody starts giving you weird looks… you know who to blame.

Cover Image Courtesy: Warner Bros

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