We Calculated How Rich You Will Get If You Stopped Wasting Things

We do not realize this, but we waste a lot of things on a daily basis. And you know what? It is making you poor!

Yes, it is.

You are literally financially getting poorer just because you are wasting various things. How can you prevent this wastage, and what are you exactly wasting?

Read on.

1. Water not wasted money not wasted too

Richer by – 184 rupees.

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According to BMC, they peg per capita consumption of water at 165 liters. That means a family of four uses 2,37,600 liters of water annually.

During the monsoons –
If you use a trash bucket to water your gardens, you save over 5 liters per day.
You can harvest this water for all your water needs for a cumulative of 2 months of continuous water supply. That means you save up to 39,600 liters of water.

Looking at BMCC’s rate of 4.66 rupees per 1000 liters, you save 184 rupees as your water bill at the end of the month.


2. Watching a bad movie

Richer by – 7800 rupees.

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We all watch bad movies with our friends and family. Some of them turn out to be so bad, you literally think that they are a bad waste of your money.

According to this report, there were 52 flops in 2015. Now, you may not hate all of them, but even if you watched half of them – 26, it is a significant wastage.

Movie ticket average – 100 rupees.
Popcorn, snacks, fuel – 200 rupees.

That’s 300 per movie, and a loss of 7800 rupees. So if you avoid them you get richer by 7800 rupees!


3. Wasting food.

Richer by – 12,000 rupees

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According to the food ministry, urban population wastes 20% of the food it buys.

So if your family goes grocery shopping for the whole family once a month, the grocery bill would be around 10,000 rupees. 20% of this is 2000 rupees.

If you refrain from wasting any food you actually get richer by 2000 rupees a month and 12000 rupees a year.


4. Wasting time by talking to a person you do not want to talk to

Richer by – 18 hours

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Boring people are everywhere, and sometimes, as manners dictate have to be polite to them and talk with them nicely. But to be really honest, they are always around us, and we do waste a lot of time on them.

An average conversation lasts for 3 minutes. Even if we are optimistic and say that we meet only one boring person a day for the rest of our lives, we are wasting almost a day in one year talking to them.


5. Wasting electricity in ways you do not even know

Richer by 414 rupees.

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There are many ways we waste electricity every day. The most common one being leaving the charger in the socket for the whole day. That eats up power too, even when the switch is off.

If you leave the charger on for 8 hours without the phone and the switch OFF, you are wasting about 7 units per year. That is 14 rupees.

If you also leave your set top box ON, even if you leave your TV OFF, you are wasting electricity. If you leave it ON for the night, you are wasting 180 units a year. That is almost 400 rupees!


6. Wasting votes by giving it to the wrong candidate

Richer by – A GODDAM LOT

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We have all been there. We have all voted for the candidate we thought was good. But he turned out to be a bad guy. A good politician would have brought sweeping changes, good changes – cleaner pothole free roads so that your fuel economy is good, good system of public transportation that will save your transportation costs, reasonable taxes, etc.

Everyone gets rich when we vote for the right guy.


7. Wasted petrol by going solo. Carpool together.

Richer by – 36,000 rupees!

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If you just look around in your office and see, everyone comes to the office solo. But if you can carefully plan, you will find people who come by the same route. Put it simply – carpool. Even if only one or two people have a car of the total four, the other two can pay money to the other two for petrol. You can cut the petrol bill by a fourth.

So, if you were spending around 4000 rupees a month in your average Indian car, you would be spending only 1000 rupees now, saving 3000 rupees!


8. Wasting Internet data on your phone

Richer by – 2000 rupees!

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It happens with a lot of us. We end up wasting a lot of data at the end of every month when we buy a good, bulky prepaid/postpaid plan and do not use it fully!

Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could somehow tailor-make our own data plan?

Worry not, because that’s exactly what Airtel has come up with: a brilliant do-it-yourself postpaid plan, called Airtel myPlan, that gives you the flexibility to choose your own myPacks according to your needs.

You choose the benefits, you choose the rental, you decide the top-ups. So that there’s zero wastage, maximum benefit!

Do not waste your precious resources, be it time, internet or money.

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This article is brought to you in association with Airtel

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