9 Types Of Tea You Can Have To Stay Healthy

Having tea was once considered as an “upper class” activity. But with time, tea has become the common man’s drink. Where you go to places like CCD to enjoy a cup of coffee, you have tea at home, while you’re wearing your PJs, or have it from the roadside tapri outside your college. Basically, tea is our ‘homely drink’. But did you know that different kinds of teas can also benefit your health immensely, and help with certain issues you might be facing? Take a look.

1. Chamomile tea – relieves stress

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This relaxing infusion helps immensely by relieving stress and anxiety. Chamomile tea also helps with insomnia.



2. Green tea helps lower cholesterol and fights allergies

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Almost everyone knows that green tea is healthy but did you know that it boosts eyesight and can prevent oral cancer as well?



3. Ginger tea helps increase fertility

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Along with that, this infusion also helps with menstrual discomfort, stress, stomach problems, respiratory troubles, and blood circulation.



4. Lemon tea is rich in antioxidants

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As a result of that, it helps prevent ageing and cancer. Lemon tea also helps to keep blood sugar in control, and with digestion, along with weight loss.



5. Peppermint tea helps with indigestion

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It is also an excellent stress remover, and immunity booster, along with being a great help with nausea, cough and fever.



6. Rosemary tea helps relieve migraines

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It is an excellent remedy for migraines. Rosemary tea also helps with digestion and prevents chances of diseases like Alzheimers.

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7. Thyme tea fights sinus problems and bronchitis

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It also helps with building a better immune system and lowers high blood pressure.



8. Black tea lowers risks of heart diseases and stroke

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It also boosts the immunity system, helps with digestion and lowers risks of diabetes and cancer.



9. Cinnamon tea helps with stomach problems

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Along with that, it also helps to keep blood sugar in check, improves blood circulation, lowers risks of colon cancer, helps with menstrual problems, and helps with weight loss.


Here’s to a healthy you!

*takes a sip from the fabulous lemon ginger tea*

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