Leaked Video From GoT S08 Set Could Mean Our Beloved Characters Are In Hot Trouble

Disclaimer: Game of Thrones SPOILER ALERT!!!

Spoilers are to Game of Thrones fans what Kryptonite is to Superman. It’ll kill them and yet sometimes, they just can’t avoid them completely. Ask any fandom and they’ll describe to you the weird, masochistic pleasure that fans derive from playing hide-and-seek with spoilers. What else can they do, when their beloved show’s final season is on a year-long sabbatical and they’re dying to know how it all ends?

Image Courtesy: HBO

Game of Thrones, the sun around which all its fans orbit, is already prepping for a rousing finale, Season 8, in the most hush-hush manner they can. But looks like Lord Vary’s little birds are spread everywhere and are bringing back spoilers from Winterfell for the rest of the realm!

If the ravens from the Northern Ireland set of Game of Thrones are to be believed, Winterfell, home to the Starks, is burning. And this, fellow fans, could imply a rather apocalyptic end for everyone’s beloved underdogswolves! NOOOOO!

Okay, who the hell said Dracarys?

Not trying to be a sadistic prick like Joffrey Baratheon, but here’s another one:

Please please please no! Let them Starks catch a break, will ya?

Of course, Twitter was LIT AF (too soon?) with panic and all sorts of wild theories as to why instead of winter, fire is coming to House Winterfell.

Did Jon and Dany have a fight? Is this one of Darth Sana’s schemes? Did ‘No one’ make it out in time? Where the f*** are the Three-Eyed Raven’s prophetic powers when you need them?

1. If Winter could come right about now, that would be great TBH.

2. Can’t we call the ice dragon for help?

3. *Just gonna stand there and watch me burn*

4. RIP!

5. Maybe Drogon and Rhaegal indulged in some sibling revelry?

6. Burn them all!

7. Maybe because she couldn’t find her lemon cakes?

8. You were supposed to save the world, hon. Not burn it!

9. Queen Cersei’s wildfire brings all the flames to Winterfell’s yard!

10. CAN WE HATE ROBYN ARRYN ANY MORE?? Just throw him through the Moon Door SMH!!!!

Let’s just have some faith in Jon Snow, peeps. Sure, he knows nothing but in this case, he’ll definitely know what’s up! And how can you forget Arya, Sansa and Bran? In the Starks, we trust, remember? As for Dany, I think I know what she thinks:

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire. ∼ Robert Frost

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