10 Ridiculous Questions Future People Are Going To Ask On Dates

If you tell your grandfather that you met the love of your life by sweeping right on a smartphone, he will a double dose of his regular heart medicine. Let’s not even go to the scenario where you have to explain him about the 5 ex-relationships you have had. The man who dabbled in monogamy all his life cannot simply comprehend the dynamics of modern-age dating.

Similarly, have we thought about how the dating scenario will change in the future?

Do you think we will be able to keep up with the times in the future when the dating scenario will obviously change radically? When people will not skype anymore, but use Virtual Reality goggles.

People have already proposed through Virtual Reality.

Where all online history will be dumped to a file and you will know everything about the other person, no need to stalk.

Are the questions going to be really that unbelievable?

1. Can I take a look at your gene sequence please?

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Most of the start of our dating phase goes into getting to know the other person. But with genetics advancing so fast, we will be able to analyze our date’s DNA to know the basic nature of them.

So, all the ticks that make a person psycho, you can find them out during the first date itself!

Plus, they will not be able to hide any disease whatsoever. This will make intimate situations remarkably safe, STD-wise.

There are companies that have actually started doing this.


2. Are you wearing butt and boob pads? How real are you?

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No, it will not be an offensive question. Get ready to date potential cyborgs in the future. Silicon transplants are getting hyperreal. There will come a time when people will not be happy with the legs they are born with, and they will go for full replacements to look good.

The question will be as legitimate as asking “Do you like to do makeup?”


3. Are you involved with any virtual boyfriends?

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We all watched the movie “Her”. Get ready for relationships with virtual partners. And not just Operating Systems. Real robots that blur the line between a machine and a human.


4. How big a dose of this jealousy pill should I take?

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There will be pills to deal with heartbreak, jealousy, envy – you name it. And if you think that you cannot deal with the kind of history your girlfriend has, just take a pill for it.

And all will be solved.


5. Can we compare our brain maps please?

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We compare our horoscopes now, even to this day – Taurus or Sagittarius and all that bullcrap. But in the future, we will be able to map our own brains and see if we have real compatibility.

No more taking questions to see whether we are left-brain or right-brain people.


6. Do you want to test our compatibility using my latest Quantum computer??

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Every person will have a quantum computer in his/her hands – just like we carry personal computers in our phones. And quantum processing will be phenomenal. You will be able to harness a power of a supercomputer to calculate whether the two of you really match out or not.


7. Do you have any real human to human intimacy issues?

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You see people staring into their phones continuously. Loneliness is already a heavy concern nowadays. There will come a time when empathy will be low, and that will be an accepted parameter in relationships.


8. Do you think that you have any non-human personality traits?

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They are part cyborg, remember? Also, synthetic traits that were never human can also be demanded in the future. Anything that can give you a performance edge in life will be demanded, and these personality traits might bother your future date.


9. Have you broken up with someone on Youtube before?

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Although Vines may also be used. Instead of facing the person, people will just upload a video to break up.


10. How many memory wipes have you had?

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Heartbreaks will be easy to mend. You can just wipe out any memory you have had of past heartbreaks. But you will know how many you have wiped away. And you will not really be bothered by it.

It will be one less headache to worry about.

Are we going to be like our own grandparents who refuse to believe people meet and date like this, or are we going to be “progressive”, like we expect our own parents and grandparents to be?

Or will eternal love be possible, since we will be able to upload our consciousness into a computer and then live with our loved one forever inside THE CHIP OF OUR DREAMS?

Only the future will tell.

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