What Kind Of Friend You Are, Based On Your Zodiac

You could be the geek in your group, the nerd, the funny one, the leader or the snob. And my guess is, you’ve made peace with that position, moreover you’ve channeled it in other places of your life. But do you ever wonder if it’s predestined?

Well your zodiac has something to say about the kind of friend you are and I’d love to see if it’s true…

Aries: Organiser of every group activity

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You are always the one planning outings and get-togethers! You’re also great at keeping secrets. But you’re also stubborn and impatient and sometimes that can sort of spoil the plan you were working to create in the first place.


Taurus: Loyal and possessive

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You’re the kind with a tight friend circle. It isn’t made of a 100 people you met at house parties, but of people who really matter. You’re the most loyal friend and you expect that loyalty in return. Which means you can get possessive when you see someone trying to steal your best friend.


Gemini: Easily adaptable and enthusiastic

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You are the person who won’t create a fuss about eating in a Dabba or even a 5 star. You’re cool with chilling almost anywhere and don’t really complain as long as you’re having a good time. You’re also quite the enthu-cutlet of the group.


Cancer: The listener who reveals very less

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You’ll be the emotion absorbing wall for your close friends. You’ll listen to them talk about their feelings, problems and philosophy with utmost patience. But after the whole conversation is over, your friends will realize that they know nothing about you, even though you know everything.


Leo: Self centred and honest AF

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You’re probably the person who ends up slyly pushing your own experiences in between a friend’s rant. Your favourite topic of conversation is, well, you. But when your friends really need some great advice, you’re the person who won’t beat around the bush. You’ll cut the crap and tell them like it is.


Virgo: The practical problem solver

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You’re not the much needed shoulder to cry on. You’re the person who says, ‘Okay, that happened, but now you’ve gotta do this’. You’re one of the most loyal friends in the zodiac and you are pretty head on about doing everything the ‘proper way’. Even friendship 🙂


Libra: The indecisive fashionista

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You’re the kind of friend who stays updated on all things fashion and tells her friends all the dos and don’ts, even if they haven’t asked for it. You’re really indecisive, so every plan takes a lot of time to execute because you can’t decide between eating and shopping. But the indecisiveness also comes from a place where you don’t want to hurt a friend’s feelings. So you simply leave it to fate.


Scorpio: The super intense friend

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You don’t take friendship as a laughing matter. Once a friend, always a friend and every single thing you think a friend should do, you’ve done. It’s difficult for you to trust at first, but once you do there is no halfway about it. You’re the person who’ll keep your friend’s secrets till death do you apart!


Sagittarius: Life of the party

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You’re the person lining up shots, making conversation, attracting all the boys on a girls night out. You’re the lively person who holds centre stage unintentionally and loves a busy calendar. Hence, most of your friends end up going on all these social expeditions with you.


Capricorn: The leader

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You’re the one who tends to take charge when your friends are running around like headless chickens. You’re the practical one with a no-nonsense attitude. Everyone appreciates your resourcefulness and your ability to get your friends back on their feet.


Aquarius: The Giver

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You’re always giving and you expect nothing in return. You give people advice, help them out with every small request and you’re the person who’s always going to be there when you need someone.


Pisces: The oversensitive one who wants to do something new everyday

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You cry when your best friend breaks up with her boyfriend, you feel happy when your friend gets admission into a university, no matter what your current state of mind is. You put your friends emotions on top of yours. You also are the person who gets bored with doing the same thing, in the same place. So you encourage your group to try new things with you!

What kind of friend are you?

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