This Guy’s Brilliant V-Day Hacks Can Convince All Your Friends That You Have A Girlfriend!

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and if you are still looking for a girlfriend, fret not!

Rain Yokohama, an amateur photographer from Thailand is a ‘forever alone’ guy, just like many of the guys out there.

But he did something very creative about it! He took a series of pictures that can help anyone convince that you have a girlfriend too!

1. Aww, you guys look cute together at restaurants


2. Your girlfriend draws cute doodles on your face! Awwwww…


3. She even wipes stray food stuck to your mouth in the true romcom style


4. OK, that’s not that slick. But A for effort


5. Cute cuddles with her


6. Stroking her hair in the morning after you wake up


7. Take me done right!


8. That just went from cool to sad.


9. Making out with her and clicking an intimate picture of it


10. Cute couple holding hands on point

This should give all the ‘forever alones’ out there good ideas for their next photo shoot!

Go ahead and make people jealous on Valentine’s Day!

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