10 Signs You Are A True Food Lover Explained In The Form Of Comics

There are two kinds of people in this world:

-People who eat to live
-People who live to eat

If you fall in the second category of people, you are totally awesome!

There are a few things that only a food lover can understand. Like counting hours before the lunch break, being excited about going to weddings thinking about free food, and getting the bigger piece of a cookie you are splitting in two with your friend.

The last part was a test, we do not share food. Get out you pseudo foodie!

For the rest of you loyalists, here are some incidents explained through comics which you will truly sum up the little joys of a foodie’s life:

1. The enticing calls that you can hear from any distance



2. The best kind of competition is the competition with yourself


3. Breaking up with food is almost impossible


4. Kisne dekha, kisne dekha? Kisi ne nahi! *Quickly swallows*


5. The food on someone else’s plate is a territory that must be ventured in


6. And sharing food is like donating your kidney. You are uncomfortable with it.


7. Life is perfect when you and bae have similar goals in life


8. Sometimes you can even have love at first sight with food


9. And sometimes it entices you in absolutely crazy ways…almost telepathically


10. And getting to it dinner twice makes it the best day of your life

And if there is a situation that you think others will be able to relate to, ping it in the comments section.

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