Huge Fireball From Outer Space Lights Up Sky In Australia, Netizens Think Aliens Are Here

We like to think that we are the strongest there is. We go to the gym, boast about how much we have earned and how fast we travel to show our superiority. But in the cosmic sense of things, we are a dot that can be wiped off from this universe with the slightest of blips. And the people of Australia felt that way when they saw a fireball light up the sky.

According to ABC, a meteorite entered Earth’s atmosphere and was prominently witnessed in Perth, Australia. WA Premier Mark McGowan hopes it’s made of iron.

Scientists are now searching for the fallen meteorite around the place called York, which is 100 kms east of Perth. Considering how the Earth’s atmosphere causes a lot of friction, thereby disintegrating anything that enters the airspace, nobody’s expecting to find chunks of the space rock.

Researcher Renae Sayers said that the meteorite slowed down before hitting Earth. However, that won’t make their search easy. Normal citizens are advised to turn it in to the concerned authorities, if they find it first, because that’s the rule. Failing to do so will result in a $1000 fine. Because, like Indiana Jones said, it belongs in a museum.

Watch the video of the fireball here:

  1. This was taken from a moving car.

2. This one was taken from the dashboard of a car which was on the hills.

Netizens who saw these footage were amazed and some even thought that aliens have arrived to invade our planet.

1. Could be Thor.

2. Just like a sci-fi movie.

3. If the abductions begin, yes.

4. They will probably regret it.

5. *cue X-Files theme*

6. Just a reminder, being lazy isn’t a superpower.

While it’s quite amazing to see a fireball light up the sky, it’s humbling and a wake-up call as well. Our Earth’s atmosphere is a natural protective layer that prevents meteorites from causing too much damage. However, we’re mucking it up through global warming. This time we might’ve dodged a bullet, but if we don’t take care of our climate, maybe that fireball will be the last thing we get to see.

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