Fidget Spinners’ Popularity Is Dead And This Guy Found The Ultimate Way To Say RIP!

It’s funny how social media works, you know. Sometimes, something absolutely new will go viral in minutes. And other times, decade old things will suddenly turn up as a hot and trending topic that everyone wants to be talk about. The rise and fall of fidget spinners conforms to the latter.

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It was April of last year when fidget spinners became as popular as the Kardashians—they were plastic, and yet everybody wanted one. Because the fact was, they were hella fascinating!

Children, here’s a history lesson! Did you know fidget spinners are actually a 90s thing? A stress relieving toy used primarily to calm the nerves of people suffering from stress, anxiety or neurological disorders like autism, ADHD and so on.

But last year, they turned into a crazy obsession, with not just kids but even adults playing around with one! The situation got so worse that many schools had to ban the damn thing!

But you know, fame’s a fickle friend. And the popularity of fidget spinners began dying down, eventually making people wonder if it was indeed the end for these toys.

And now there’s a video circulating on Twitter, which fuses two popular trends—fidget spinners and chain reaction videos—to create the ultimate tribute to the spinners that people don’t want to fidget with anymore!

Twitter user @DannyDutch shared a kickass chain reaction video which uses fidget spinners to bid farewell to this trend which seems to havestarted and ended in 2017 itself!

And, can I add, it’s quite impressive!

Did you watch it till the end? Did you?

If yes, then Twitter agrees with you too! Everyone was mighty impressed by the video!

I mean, who doesn’t love chain reaction videos, right? And this one is so cool!

 1. Applause worthy!

2. Totally!

3. Any takers for this project?

4. Like, HOW? WHY?

5. Same, friend. Same.

6. I agree!

7. Mystery solved!

8. Even comedian Vir Das acknowledged how AWESOME this was!

One question that people were asking a lot was if the video was an original work of Daniel, the guy show shared it on Twitter.

Alas, Danny wishes it was! He himself was looking for the original source of the video and some good Samaritan found it for everyone!

*sigh* Some are saying the time of fidget spinners is over. Some claim that no, it’s still alive.

All I know is, I’m going to be fidgeting with the play and pause buttons of this video for quite some time today!

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