Woman’s Chance Encounter With A Female Auto Driver Will Make You Love Mumbai Even More

female auto driver

As a woman living in a metropolitan city in India, when it comes to safety, I guess I have it easier than many others. I can afford to go out at nights for a stroll with friends or travel alone at odd hours without a male escort. And I realise just how privileged I am in that matter. Especially when the kind of news I see first thing in the morning is that of five female activists being abducted and raped in Jharkhand while performing a street play to raise awareness against human trafficking. In broad daylight.

Yes, women in cities definitely have it easier. However, we do not take this safety for granted. Each day is a gamble. Hailing a cab or an auto alone at night is very much like rolling a dice. Every ride requires you to be constantly vigilant. No matter how many times you do it, at the end of every safe ride back home you breathe a sigh of relief.

Filmmaker Vijayeta Kumar is one such woman who appreciates the privilege of living in a city where women are safe.

She recently spoke of a chance encounter with an individual, that made her appreciate it even more.

In a tweet, she recounts how despite her cab breaking down, the night had a pleasant surprise for her:

“My cab broke down near Powai, past midnight. Stopped an auto and was wonderfully surprised to see a woman driver. She dropped me home, we chatted and it felt so good to live in a city where women do feel safe enough to be out at all hours. Really hope it stays that way!”

She also tweeted a picture of the boss lady:

Her tweet has resonated with many on Twitter, who had some insightful thoughts on the matter:

1. Mumbai meri jaan. 

2. Yes, cabs are definitely safer as compared to autos.

3. Indeed.

4. Soon. I hope.

5. Aamchi Mumbai.

6. Yes, it’s always like that.

7. As soon as possible at that.


8. We will act for such an India, not wait.


9. Special shoutout to the Mumbai Police for doing an exemplary job.

10. Lots of love, Mumbai.

It all comes down to this:

Well done, Mumbai. Rest of India, take notes, will you?

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