14 Quotes Describing The Hard To Express Feelings Of Loneliness

There was a time in my life when I used to love being alone (I still do though). I would travel alone and eat at fine-dining restaurants alone. But, there is a fine line between being alone and being lonely. And one day, without even realizing, I had crossed that line. And the 10-month long stay on the other side of the line was horrid.

I am obsessed with my old friends and so, when miles of distances separated us, I never even tried to make new ones. Although that’s a whole other thing that I can’t ever make friends. But then, this facet of my personality only made me see worse days. But is going friendless the only cause of being lonely? Of course it is not. Lonesomeness can make its way to your heart anytime, anywhere.

And the following listed quotes from famous authors will tell you all about it. Some of them talk about the pain, while some others inspire. Some share experiences while some others give assurance that things will be alright. No matter what kind, they are all quite moving.


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Now while some of our readers might call me a “baaba”  (one of our readers actually commented that on one of my articles, and I took it as a complement, which I think it actually was. Never mind.) for talking about this issue, all I would like to say is that there is absolutely no harm in being a little empath and considerate. But, it is always nice to make them feel that they are not lonely.

For each one of us, there is someone (or more) out there who understands, who cares. And I would love to be that someone to as many people as my words can reach. How about you?

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