7 Lies Society Tells You About Fat And Fat People

Ever since people realized that they could not eat as much as they wanted because getting fat gives you heart diseases, there have been thousands of studies to find the cause behind these diseases.

And after these studies, the awareness about fat and fat-related diseases spiked like never in history. People were now aware of the problems related to eating unhealthy and not exercising.

But then came a time when some facts were misinterpreted and were turned into lies. Here are some of these lies we all like to throw into people’s faces.

1. You are fat because you didn’t watch your diet

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Actually, being fat depends on a lot of other factors like what part of the world you grew up in, prescription medicines you are taking, your income, and also your age.

It is not solely your diet and lifestyle that are responsible for your fat gain.

Also, there have been studies that show that in countries where exercise increased, so did obesity. It means that it is not just what you eat matters, but also external factors like your surroundings too.

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2. Cardiovascular diseases plague only the fat people

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Thin people suffer from the same diseases fat people suffer from too. It depends a lot on the fitness and not on the body fat percentage.

Studies have shown that even fat people are healthy, and being too thin actually makes you susceptible to the same diseases as fat people.

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3. Being thin is always better than being fat

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This is the biggest problem with the society right now. Being thin is associated to being fit and healthy, and being even slightly fat is associated with being unhealthy.

People tend to ignore that cardiovascular diseases can plague thin people too. Society makes us want to lose weight because we will look better – and not because we may become fitter.

There was a study that claimed that quitting smoking led to weight gain, and that was reason enough for people to NOT quit smoking, because then they will get fat.

People would rather get lung cancer than get fat – that is how much of a pressure being fat in society is.

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4. There is a obesity epidemic out there

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No, there is not.

The obesity problem is very complicated. It is not just a bunch of people above a specific number of BMI. The situation is much deeper than that. It is more of a fucked up fast food culture, and a fucked up lifestyle culture that causes obesity in people.

What are you going to do when the most easily accessible food around your place is fast food, and how organic and healthy food is expensive?

The fast food epidemic has to be curtailed before we even deal with health and lifestyle of people.

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5. If you want to lose fat, eat food that is low in fat

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It took a lot of years before people started realizing that carbohydrates are the actual culprit of getting fat. It took a lot of years for people to realize that sugar is as much a culprit in fattening you as anything else.

We do not realize this, but fat is an essential nutrient and many other nutrients get absorbed and metabolized by our body because of fats.

Cutting fats altogether is a risky proposition for your health.

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6. Liposuction works

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Liposuction and every other cosmetic surgery out there never, ever works like a charm. There are always side effects, and even serious health risks associated with the procedure.

Let’s say the surgery works like magic; it still leaves you with scars and health risks and is potentially useless, because it is not actually getting rid of the bad kind of fat at all. Fat that is very hard to get rid of is called visceral fat, and it is not at all removed during liposuction and any other fat reduction surgery.

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There is a lot of ignorance about fat and fat people in the society, and rumors are spread like white truth.

Read up well before you believe in any of them.

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