Scientists Say That Smelling Farts Is Actually Good For You

Farts are an important bodily function, and let’s be honest everybody farts. However, farts are one bodily function we all hate because if someone gorges too much on those muli ka parathas and lets one rip, you might as well sign your will and prepare to die.

Basically, farts are the worst. However, science begs to differ and it’s actually telling us that we should not be crinkling our noses when someone farts but rather, tune in to that goodness and let it enter our body so it can protect us.

Now before you start judging me let me back this up with some proper facts.

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Scientists say that farts can actually boost your immune system. AJ Troiano, PhD, a biomedical scientist and consultant told Reader’s Digest,

“In order to understand the science of passing gas, you have to understand the sheer scale of microbes that are housed in the human body.

It’s not the microbes that have protective properties, but the byproducts they produce during normal metabolic processes.”

And the byproducts, particularly hydrogen sulfide, are released when you pass gas and could actually reduce the risk of cancer, heart attack, strokes, arthritis, and dementia.

Holy shit! That’s a whole lot of benefits in a single fart.

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But there is something else you should know about inhaling the farts of your fellow beings, inhaling too much hydrogen sulfide is definitely bad for you, but an occasional whiff will help you in the long run.

So, the next time someone farts in a closed space like an air-conditioned metro, elevator or just a closed room, calm yourself by thinking of the health benefits you are getting.

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