This Is How Sapiosexuals Fall In Love

Sapiosexual (noun, adj.)
One who finds intelligence the most sexually attractive feature.

Sapiosexual as a type of preference was found in the early 2000s with the rise of OKCupid and other online dating websites. Darren Stalder, a blogger on LiveJournal, claims to have invented the term in 1998, explaining how intellectual individuals are more stimulated by interesting conversations than just physical sex.

So how do sapiosexuals fall in love, as compared to normal heterosexuals?

1. It’s all about the brains, baby

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Sapiosexuals are simple, and at the same time, very complicated creatures. They are attracted to conversation, but at the same time, are repelled by gossip. Yes, they are two different things, vastly. Sapiosexual people thrive on the arousal of the brain, and deep and lasting, not to mention intellectual, conversations are the sure shot way to keep them glued.


2. They’re turned on by experiences over physical assets

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This is not to discard the fact that they don’t look out for good-looking partners, but if you have stories to tell, and life-shaping experiences to recount, then you’re a keeper for them. Sapiosexuals don’t want to know where you went for your vacation last week, they want to know where your mind wanders when you are in one place.


3. Challenge me, and I’m yours

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Sapiosexual people are competitive, very much so. They will want to argue, and discuss, and debate, and they will secretly want to be proved wrong, because at the end, a loss is a learning curve. Pull out a few quizzes, share a random fact of which they haven’t heard, and they’ll be head over heels for you. Inspire them, and they may just write a song on you.


4. Their unending thirst for knowledge drives them

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Sapiosexuals aren’t your first bench toppers from high school. They are much more. Intelligence isn’t only book-deep. Intelligence is a way of life for them, and it ranges in everything they see and breathe and eat and love. They want to learn from you, get on the same wavelength as you, and be better than you. Their brains want exercise, as much as you can give them.


5. Leave your drama, for your mama

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People in love with intellects, conversation, and a limitless journey of self-discovery don’t have time for your trivial and silly arguments and insecurities. They aren’t jealous, neither are they insecure, and they sure as hell won’t waste their effort on little things that don’t matter. They would rather listen to what keeps you awake at night, and will be able to discuss issues with you rather patiently.


6. They believe in your beliefs, and feel what you feel

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Co-existence is a thing that most sapiosexuals are blatantly in favour of. Your favourite genres of music, their favourite kinds of music, both of yours favourite cuisines will no way come in between your relationship. They are of the understanding that the more diverse the tastes, the stronger the bond, and the more the compatibility.


7. I like big books and I cannot lie

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Like everything else that makes you grow in intellect, sapiosexuals are bibliophiles, they’re hoarders of the good kind, and they will want to know what you like to read and what kind of words lost in pages keep you awake till 5 am in the morning. Their kind of sexy talk is when you talk Vonnegut, and Shakespeare, and Gaiman, and Tolstoy to them.


8. May the odds be ever in your favour

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Yes, fandoms. You will find that most sapiosexuals fancy the thought and idea of fictional characters and places and storylines and they most likely will also have written things that have sprung to life in their own brilliant minds. And their likenesses won’t stop at reading books, watching movies, and following TV shows, no. They will research it far and wide and will bring out the facts and ideas that led for their favourite stories to come to fruition.


9. You are what you are, and nothing more

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Sapiosexuals are aware of the fact that you are not your physical embodiment, nor are you the situations that surround you. You are the sum total of your beliefs, your thoughts, your ideas, and your experiences, and it is these things and these alone that have shaped you, and thus, you will always be loved who you truly are by a Sapiosexual.

Sapiosexuals are hard to come by, because they have been scorned so many times, dismissed as being weird, and hated for their strong ideals. Yet, they are the best kinds of people. So, if a sapiosexual is in love with you, don’t let them go, and if you’re one yourself, cheers to you! 🙂

Here’s some soothing music!


Live long and prosper! ?

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