9 Facebook Privacy Status Updates Around The World That Have Solved ALL THE PROBLEMS

Even if you have been living under a rock, you probably have your smartphone there, and have seen at least a couple of your friends posting a status like this on their wall –

And if you really had some sense, you can see that it is a stupid HOAX. This hoax has been making rounds of Facebook since – and you will be surprised – 2012!

Every time Facebook updates its privacy policy, bang goes this template of an update that is not even closely related to the real policy. But how much time does it really take to copy and paste something off the Internet?

So people did. And it is very amusing. So we made some of the similar status updates for issues that are very pressing in today’s world.

Maybe a Facebook post can solve them too.

1. A Facebook post can solve world peace



2. And referendums can go take a stroll and let FB posts do the job



3. It can solve the pressing issue of inflation too



4. The solution to terrorism is just a status update away!



5. What could have happened if FB could see what was being done?



6. Did you know that Taj Mahal won the UNESCO best monument prize?



7. And the comments are getting very familiar



8. This powerful tool can be used to battle Internet piracy too



9. After all, the status update is legally binding and anyone can use it.

Wake up people.

It is bad enough that we share things like the Diwali photo from space pics and UNESCO national anthem wins, but this is as basic as it gets.

Please do not let ignorance win.

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