8 Evil Ways People Make Money Off The Internet

The Internet is a whole new ground for people who want to make money. More than 3 billion people use the Internet today. That is a lot of people.

And obviously from the 3 billion there are going to be people who are not so bright, because there is a whole industry on the web dedicated to extorting money from this gullible lot.

How do they do it? Read on…

1. Operating a site that sends literal poop to people you hate

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Poop is a very nice word. The real word is “shit”. There are many sites out there that allow you to send actual shit to people you hate. Not human shit, but any animal you choose – they will send it. The sites claim that you can send shit to your exes, annoying neighbors, a mechanic that fooled you – in short anyone you still bear a grudge against.

Oh, and you can send them a bag of edible dicks too.

And they ship worldwide and you stay completely anonymous.

The only catch – it is really expensive. One site charges $16 for mailing shit.

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2. Making a crowdfunding site for absolutely shitty reasons

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There was a time when crowdfunding sites were used for really good reasons – like inventing really awesome things and supporting very good causes. But then, there came a time when people started using these sites to fund really ridiculous things, like damage suffered because of free speech that made somewhat close to $800,000 and people have no idea how the money was spent!

Then there was a case where a person turned to Patreon to make a movie protesting that every male in video games should look white and ripped. They get over $15,000 a month from Patreon and gave really shit documentary.

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3. Owning a pseudo-science-health website that misleads anyone who reads it

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The Internet is full of sites that claim to give “legitimate” medical advice based on “scientific” evidence.
One such site – Natural News claims that HIV does NOT cause AIDS at all. It also claims that AIDS is not spread by unprotected intercourse.

The wrong things here is that Natural News has more subscribers than Mayo Clinic and Cancer.org! They also claimed that McDonalds was vaccinating kids without informing them. A likely story.

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4. Fake news sites that make ridiculous amounts of money

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Not every site is hilarious like Faking News and The Onion. There is a whole group of websites out there that writes fake news and claims outrageous things because they want to make money. They first thing they do is make the headline sound as ridiculous as possible or make the ridiculous sound as realistic as possible.

Barring the Onion and Faking News, many people fall for this gimmick – even the smart ones. Also, these sites make ridiculous amounts of money. One estimate of such a site claimed that it made almost $150,000 in revenue a year. That’s almost 1 crore rupees. And looking at the bull they publish, there isn’t really any thought or manpower behind the operations.

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5. Adblock and Wikileaks

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Almost every “tech-savvy” Internet user uses AdBlock. I include myself in this group too. Then I came across a shocker. Apparently you cannot block every ad on the Internet with AdBlock, although it is designed to do exactly that.
You have surely seen some irritating ads that get through, right? Well turns out, that is not because the ad makers were good programmers who figured out a way to get past AdBlock.

They PAY Adblock money so that their ads are displayed.

Remember WikiLeaks? It raged a war on every corrupt government and private body by leaking revealing documents. Now it covers stupid articles like what music Cameron Crowe listens to.

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6. Making addictive online games that cost you a lot of money to play later on

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Online games are very addictive. Of course, they require money to make and develop and maintain. But instead of taking a fixed charge per year, these games charge you for in-game treats, without which you will never have the awesome experience the paid users have.

This leads to addicts spending a lot of money on games that have no productivity in life whatsoever.

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7. Become a spammer

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One of the most despicable online profession ever is to become a Nigerian prince and ask for sympathetic donations.
Then there are spammers who make automated software to send hundreds of spam emails to their bloated contact lists. The subject lines and the content of these spam emails are very convincing and are targeted towards gullible users.

For example, if you are an unemployed person looking for a job, it is likely you will get a spam that contains an ad for an agency that will help you get 100% employment.

The site itself may not be legit, but you clicked – and hence the spammer made his money.

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8. Clicking on your own ads

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No, all spammers are talented enough to get clicks on their ads. Some people spam blogs. Yes, you heard me right.
The technique here is that they start a blog and write content that isn’t exactly of quality. After generating enough content, they will sign up with AdSense.

Then, they will use someone else’s PC and click on their own ads. If they are not caught by AdSense and blocked for life and if they do it smartly, they will make even more blogs and employ people to click on them too.

Or they will hoodwink people to click on them so that they can watch their favorite movie – which does not exist.

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As they say – never believe everything you see on the Internet.

Be safe and smart!

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